The Ring The Spaniard Gave Her - Lynne Graham Page 0,26

reject her as if she had chased after him begging for his attention? Was he so arrogant, so vain that he assumed every woman would try to entrap him if she got the chance? What else was she to think after that speech he had made? Plenty more fish in the sea, one of her friends at school used to quip when some boy let her down, but just then Suzy didn’t believe she would ever dare to look at a man again with covetous eyes.

On the floor above, Ruy almost punched the wall of his shower, drawing his clenched fist back with a curse at the last possible moment. What the hell had come over him when he verbally attacked Suzy like that? But he knew, didn’t he? He knew all too well where that attack of paranoia had come from. His brain had succumbed to a flashback of Liliana and the catastrophic trail of events that she had initiated in his life. Cold revulsion and disquiet had drenched Ruy like an acid bath and he had lashed out accordingly at an innocent. He gritted his teeth. Ruy had never liked being in the wrong and even less did he like the prospect of apologising.

A virgin though, he hadn’t been prepared for that possibility at all. Why not though? She was still very young, too young for him, he censured himself. He had given in to lust like a sex-starved teenager with no thought of the consequences. As a result, he had destroyed any trust Suzy might have had in him and any hope of her being willing to do anything for him. He towelled himself off grimly and stooped to snatch up his phone when he heard it buzzing.

Damp and breathless from her haste, Suzy emerged back into the lounge, having decided what she would do next. She would nip back upstairs, collect her stuff and then go home to her father. She would have to walk back by the road, which would take ages, but she didn’t feel as though she had a choice. She reckoned she would sooner walk over hot coals than spend another hour under Ruy Rivera’s roof.

Someone thumped loudly on the front door knocker. Suzy frowned, knowing the housekeeper wasn’t around and that Ruy was probably still in the shower. After a moment of hesitation, she opened the front door and took a dumbfounded step back as Percy confronted her with knotted fists and an enraged red face.

‘You slut!’ he launched at her accusingly. ‘So, the rumours were true!’

‘Leave me alone!’ Suzy exclaimed as he extended his thick arms to grab at her and she snaked backwards into the safety of the house.

As Percy lurched past the door she attempted to slam shut in his face, two things happened. She saw several men racing across the driveway towards them and heard someone coming down the stairs to her rear.

With an explosive Spanish curse, Ruy thrust Suzy to safety behind him and as Percy ploughed forward Ruy punched him hard. Percy went down like rock and, venting a hissed imprecation, Ruy grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and dragged him out of the house. Suzy was frozen to the spot, shocked by the speed of Ruy’s reactions. She watched as four men rushed up the steps, frantically apologising to Ruy in Spanish while grabbing hold of Percy to haul him away.

‘Who the heck are they?’ Suzy whispered shakily.

‘Staff,’ Ruy breathed curtly. ‘Did he hurt you?’

‘ got here just in time.’

‘My staff let him onto the grounds because they knew you were staying here and they assumed that he was your father,’ Ruy explained with a shake of his head, damp black hair tousled above dark deep-set eyes that shone gold with strong emotion. ‘Well, they won’t make that mistake again and we will ensure that Brenton stays away.’

‘Don’t know how we’re going to do that... Percy likes to have his say,’ Suzy muttered as Ruy paced away from her, punching a number on his phone and speaking rapidly.

‘Legal counsel will meet us at the police station...’

Suzy dealt him a dazed look, still reeling from Percy’s sudden appearance and the shockingly efficient violence of Ruy’s response. She watched as the men Ruy had labelled staff levered Percy back into his car and stood back waiting for him to drive away. ‘Why would we need legal counsel?’

And why, in concert with Ruy, was she suddenly employing that royal ‘we’ as if Ruy were as Copyright 2016 - 2024