The Ring The Spaniard Gave Her - Lynne Graham Page 0,21

down, eat...’

‘Gosh, you must keep your housekeeper busy,’ Suzy remarked in wonderment at the beautifully set tray with its ornamental cloth and fresh orange juice, pastries, fruit and tea, all proffered in the finest china along with a seasonal lilac blossom in a tiny vase. ‘This is beautiful. Make sure you thank her for me. She went to a lot of trouble.’

‘I will,’ Ruy promised, impressed by her thoughtfulness because so many of the women he knew took excellent service entirely for granted.

‘When did Dad drop my clothes off? You should have wakened me,’ Suzy scolded as she drank her orange juice, still pacing the room.

‘He gave the bag to me last night. Mrs Liggett brought it up but found you asleep.’

Her smooth pale brow had furrowed. ‘You saw my father last night? Oh, you went to the pub for a drink.’

‘No, I went specifically to see him and we talked in private,’ Ruy extended, lounging back against the bedroom door with folded arms and narrowed dark perceptive eyes locked to her restless movements. Sunlight burnishing her hair, she was full of energy but growing tension was threaded through that energy like iron bars strengthening concrete, he conceded, amused by that analogy but well aware of the questioning onslaught of her bright eyes and the volatile force of nature that powered her deceptively small and slender frame. He found it strange that her volatility, which had troubled him at the outset of their acquaintance, now only drew him in faster.

‘Why would you go to see my father?’ Suzy asked with a frown.

‘To make life a little smoother for you,’ Ruy countered lazily. ‘When I see a problem, I tend to solve it. In fact, I excel at solving problems.’

Suzy tossed her head back in irritation. ‘My problems are not your problems!’

Unperturbed, Ruy spread the fingers of one lean hand and began marking off points. ‘One... I detest abusers and I wanted you to feel free to report your ex to the police. Two... I knew that you wouldn’t accept the money to pay off Brenton from told me so. Three... I want to make it possible for you to act as my model without other concerns getting in the way. Four... I would also like you to accompany me to my brother’s wedding. Five...if you think of this situation from a logical point of view, our mutual needs can dovetail perfectly.’

Suzy’s chest heaved as she snatched in short breath after short breath in an effort to control her temper. She wanted to slap his point-scoring fingers off his hand. She wanted to deprive him utterly of the ability to stand there telling her without embarrassment that he had approached her father behind her back on her supposed behalf. ‘I don’t know what you’ve done... I’m not even sure I want to know!’ she exclaimed. ‘Did you tell Dad that Percy attacked me?’

‘Yes, and while he was very angry he knows that you’re not seriously hurt.’

‘You have no right to interfere in my life!’ Suzy hurled at him.

‘The pub belongs to your father, not to you, and what arrangements he chooses to make with me are entirely his business,’ Ruy spelt out, dropping her back down to earth again with a crash. ‘As it happens, I’ve bought a share in the pub. I will be a silent partner, but it takes the pressure off your father. He will be able to repay Brenton without difficulty, although, as I told him, he could take him to court over the paperwork, which did not clearly specify the interest rate Brenton was charging. But your father prefers to let that go—he’s not keen on the idea of calling in a solicitor.’

Suzy had gone white with mounting shock and dismay. ‘You’ve bought a share in our pub?’ she gasped in disbelief. ‘But why the heck would you do that?’

‘I live locally now, although I won’t be resident here throughout the year. It’s an investment. A pub is an asset in a village,’ Ruy pronounced, as though he were not aware that the business was struggling. ‘Now it will stay open and your father remains the landlord.’

‘I just don’t believe this!’ Suzy confessed in seething frustration.

‘I had to find some way around your reluctance to accept my financial help,’ Ruy pointed out without shame.

‘But don’t you see that what you’ve done is wrong?’ Suzy demanded angrily. ‘That you’ve simply found another way of bribing me and getting me to do what you want? Evidently, you Copyright 2016 - 2024