The Right Swipe - Alisha Rai Page 0,73

if he’d invite her over again, for more sex. She didn’t have any time between now and Friday, but she wanted him to invite her anyway.

“I’ll see you next weekend then. I don’t think I’m going to get a glitter-gram with my invite. I guess that’s a good thing.”

She grinned. “It’s a very good thing.”

“Put together a great pitch, Rhi.”

She bared her teeth. “It’ll be the best pitch.”

She could tell he was smiling. “I don’t doubt it. We should drive up together.”

Like Rhiannon would ever be able to get into a vehicle with him and not think about sex, after all that “walking her to her car.” Please. “I don’t know when I’m leaving yet.”

“Ah. Right. Text me if you have any questions about your pitch. Or we could meet up—”

There was the invite she’d craved but couldn’t take. She shook her head, though he couldn’t see. “I’ll be swamped trying to juggle everything and get this pitch done.”

“Got it.”

Was it her imagination, or did he sound as disappointed as she felt? Her hand clenched over the phone. “Guess we’ll move filming our last video to after the weekend.”

“Yes. Good.”

She swallowed, but her mouth was dry. “Goodbye.”

“See you soon, Rhi.”

She hung up and looked around her pretty pink office, filled with dainty white furniture. If she acquired Matchmaker, she’d have to move to a bigger office to accommodate her larger staff.

When, not if.

She cracked her neck. Eye on the prize. And the prize was world domination. She had no room in that world for a man.

She texted Katrina a photo of the invitation and a bunch of exclamation points. Her silent partner might not fully understand Rhiannon’s obsession, but she’d freak out with her.

The door opened, Lakshmi walked in, and closed it behind her. The two of them looked at each other for a minute, then squealed in unison, neither of them bothering to muffle the noise.

“This is amazing,” Lakshmi said, quieter, when they’d gotten that out of their systems.

“Amazing.” Rhiannon walked around her desk. “Do I still have glitter on me?”

“Tons, but it’s mostly out of your hair.” Lakshmi squinted. “Well, like 70 percent out.”

“This woman’s making me work.”

“No shit.” Lakshmi’s grin was gleeful. “But we’re getting that company.”

Rhiannon allowed herself another bubble of glee. This was her chance. “Clear my weekend and this week. We’re going to put together the mother of all proposals.”

“Will do.” Lakshmi casually indicated the closed door. “I’m gonna marry that girl, by the way.”

Rhiannon’s eyebrows shot up. “Uh, what?” People got smitten with Lakshmi, not the other way around. “Tina?”

“Mmm. Don’t worry about it. I’m in no rush.” Lakshmi plopped into a chair. “I won’t let that stop me from prioritizing this takeover. Shall I fire up the PowerPoint?”

Rhiannon’s phone buzzed. Samson.

One tip I can give you: Aunt Belle hates computer presentations. You’ll want to talk.

She touched the phone. This was good, valuable inside information.

The distrustful monster in her brain woke up. Or he’s sabotaging you.

To what end? She hesitated. “We’ll make a decision on the PowerPoint later.”

“Got it.” Lakshmi started tapping away on her phone.

“Get Suzie in here. Accounting too. This’ll take all of us.”

Lakshmi stood. “So, like, this eccentric billionaire is inviting a bunch of people to her home to pitch her on taking over her company.”

“Yes.” Rhiannon nodded. “I got the allusion too.”

“She’s Willa-Wonkaing you.” Lakshmi shook her head, admiration stamped on her face. “Imagine being this rich, having the ability to make other rich people dance to your tune. That’s the dream.”

“Indeed.” Rhiannon pushed her phone aside and opened her computer, fresh resolve flooding her. “In the meantime, let’s Charlie Bucket the fuck out of this whole situation.”

Chapter Eighteen

Tuesday 10:52 a.m.

RH: Did you send me something

SL: I did

RH: A junk food basket? Isn’t this for college students studying for finals?

SL: I thought Cheetos might give you the energy you need to power through this week.

RH: Those are radioactive. Just because I dress like a teenage boy doesn’t mean I eat like one.

SL: Nothing about you screams teenage boy

Tuesday 11:37 a.m.

RH: You didn’t have to go to the full-on Vegan/Paleo option, you know.

SL: Do you like it more?

RH: . . . yeah. I’m eating the carrot sticks right now. Thanks, I don’t have time for lunch.

SL: I thought about sending another glitter-gram to lift your spirits but . . .

RH: I would never forgive you. I never realized how anti-glitter I was until I had it literally all over my carpet. A stripper might have actually been better.

SL: You might Copyright 2016 - 2024