The Right Player - Kandi Steiner Page 0,58

comparing that movie to Silver Linings Playbook is a joke.”

“Heath Ledger. Julia Stiles. Joseph Gordon-Levitt,” I said, listing them off on my fingers. “Some of the most iconic lines of all time. Plus, it was nineties gold. How can you say otherwise?”

“Nineties gold is When Harry Met Sally.”

I pointed at him then. “That, we can agree on. Except technically, it came out in 1989.”

Gemma stood, clapping her hands together. “Okay. I think this bromance needs a little room to grow,” she said, leaning down to kiss Zach’s cheek. She reached for Belle’s hand next. “Come on. Let’s get some sun on the front deck.”

“The bow,” Zach corrected.

“Whatever. I’m getting another hot dog, too.” Gemma winked at Zach before she and Belle skipped off to the front, and I watched Belle go the entire way, biting my lip when she looked over her shoulder at me and smacked her plump, barely-covered-in-a-bikini-thong ass for good measure.

Zach and I chuckled to ourselves when they were gone, sipping on our beers with our arms outstretched on the back of the seats. I was just about to launch into my top ten rom-coms of all time when Zach said the absolute last thing I expected.

“I know who you are.”

I swallowed down my beer carefully, not answering but with one raised eyebrow.

“Makoa Kumaka. Former third string wide receiver for the 49ers. Signed as a free agent with the Bears this spring.” Zach took a drink before balancing his beer on the ankle he had crossed over the opposite knee. “But for some reason, Belle and Gemma think you’re some real estate mogul. Wanna tell me why that is?”

All the blood drained from my face, from my neck, practically from my entire body as a whole. I wasn’t sure how long I sat there and stared at Zach, but it was long enough for him to shake his head and check to make sure the girls were still at the front of the boat before he continued.

“Bro. What the hell?”

“I’m going to tell her,” I said hurriedly, setting my drink aside and leaning toward him. “I swear. I am.”

“Okay. Well, can I ask why you haven’t already told her?”

I blew out a breath. “Let’s just say that before the NFL, I was perpetually friend-zoned by any girl I was interested in. And once I signed, I started getting girlfriends left and right. But there was one problem.”

Zach put the pieces together. “They wanted you for your money.”

“Or my connection, or what they thought I’d be one day.” I nodded. “You get the gist of it.”

“So, you lied to Belle.”

I swallowed, looking to where she was sprawled out on the front deck with Gemma. “I didn’t mean to. I just… she didn’t know who I was when I walked into her office, and I knew the second I met her that I wanted her.” I snapped my fingers. “I’ve never felt anything like it, man.”

Zach nodded, his own eyes casting toward the bow. “I know the feeling.”

“I didn’t think it through. I just saw this opportunity to be myself with her. I could be Makoa, the average dude who wants to take her on a date. Not Makoa, the NFL player.”

“Have you seen yourself?” Zach asked, arching a brow. “I don’t think you can call six foot five and two-hundred-twenty pounds of muscle average.”

I chuckled. “You know what I mean.”

Zach sighed, nodding again. “I do. I mean, I can’t imagine what you feel, but it was something my parents talked to me about a lot when I was considering pro ball. They were worried about me getting caught up with the wrong girl, given what a softie I am.”

“We have a lot in common.”

He smirked, but it fell quickly. “Listen, no judgment, I get why you did what you did. But…” His eyes glanced at the girls again. “You need to tell her, and soon. My fiancée is obsessed with the Bears, and the only reason she hasn’t figured out who you are yet is because she’s been so focused on our wedding that she hasn’t had time to think about the team. She’s a little… addicted to details, I guess is the best way to put it. She loves her lists and her planning, so right now, between the wedding and work, she’s completely occupied.” He shook his head. “But that wedding is only two months away, man, and to be honest? The closer the season gets, and the more that gets checked off her list for Copyright 2016 - 2024