The Right Player - Kandi Steiner Page 0,19

all talked out, and I’m running my hands all over his freaking tattoos. I start unbuttoning his shirt and he stops me.” I pause for dramatic effect. “The man stopped me from stripping him.”

“Maybe he’s really shy,” Gemma suggested.

“I don’t think that’s it. I mean, you saw him in the office. The man is confidence embodied.”

“True,” she agreed. “Oh, what if he’s into really freaky stuff? You know. Whips and chains, nipple clamps, all that. And he wants to ease you into it.”

I considered it, and I wasn’t mad at that possibility. “A Christian Grey, perhaps?”

“Could be! Did he have a room locked off that he wouldn’t let you go in?”

My shoulders sagged at that. “No, I saw his whole place. And the man brought everything he owns from California in maybe two-dozen boxes. I think he hired me because he lived like a college bachelor before now.” I shook my head. “I don’t think it’s because he’s so kinky he thinks he’ll scare me.”

“Maybe he just wants to get to know you before he has sex with you,” Zach said, deadpan, as if he couldn’t believe he even had to say that out loud.

I scoffed, crossing my arms again. “We talked all night. He knew me plenty well enough to bend me over his kitchen counter.” Then, all the blood drained from my face. “Oh my God, what if he has a micropenis?”

Gemma’s eyes shot open, and she covered her mouth. “No! You don’t honestly think?”

I shook my head, slumping against the counter once more. “Nah. I saw his bulge. No way was that a sock.”

We stood in silence for a bit, thinking.

“Maybe he has a weird-shaped dick. Or a mole or something,” Gemma said.

“He wouldn’t let me take off his shirt. Maybe it’s a third nipple,” I guessed.

Gemma lit up like I’d told her her hair looked pretty. “Oh, that wouldn’t be so bad!”

“Maybe it’s the three-date rule.”

I blinked a few times before I turned to look at Zach, confused. “Three-date rule?”

“Yeah. You know… he doesn’t want to have sex until the third date. It’s like the classic dating handbook rule number one.”

I looked at Gemma, who tilted her head to the side as she considered it. “That does make sense.”

“So, you’re saying I’m not going to get any until he takes me out on two more dates?” I groaned, pulling three coffee cups from the cabinet and topping them all off. I handed one to each of them before wrapping my hands around mine. “Who on Earth still does that?”

“Nice guys. Good guys. Guys who are interested in more than just getting in your pants.” Zach shook his head. “Belle, come on. This is a good thing.”

“Tell that to my throbbing clitoris, Zach.”

Gemma nearly spit out her coffee, and Zach chuckled, throwing up his free hand in surrender. “And on that note, I’m going to watch SportsCenter.” He kissed Gemma’s cheek before turning to me. “Good luck with your emergency.”

I wiggled my fingers in a goodbye to him, and Gemma and I shared a knowing smile once he was gone.

“So, what was the rest of the night like?” Gemma asked. “I mean, aside from the lack of coitus at the end.”

“It was…” I sighed, eyes falling to where the steam was rising out of my coffee cup. “Perfect. Like, straight out of a romance movie perfect. He cooked dinner — which was absolutely terrible, by the way,” I added on a laugh. “But that almost made it better. He was so adorable, running around the kitchen, stumbling over himself to try to make everything. The salad was so bad, Gemma.” I chuckled. “Tasted like straight vinegar and citrus, and not in a good way.”

“Oh no,” she said on a laugh of her own.

“But he was trying so hard. He made these crab cakes, but he put too much flour in so they were a little tough. And then the ribs, he cooked them too long, and we didn’t have any steak knives, so we were like ripping the meat off with our teeth.”

Gemma snorted.

“It sounds like a disaster,” I admitted, but I couldn’t stop my stupid smile. “But… I don’t know. There’s something about him. And God, he was so sexy, wearing these dark jeans and this crisp white button-up. He didn’t have shoes on, either.”

“Oh, fuck,” Gemma breathed. “I love a barefoot man in jeans.”

“I wanted to lick his toes, Gemma, and I swear I’ve never been into that.”

She chuckled.

“What am I going to do?” I Copyright 2016 - 2024