The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,86

and work out our marriage. I’m an attorney and want to press charges against him.”

“Leo?” Ronnie pushed his cap off his brow. “Wanna tell me your story?”

Morgan couldn’t keep quiet any longer. “He’s lying. He came after us when we were driving home, tailgating us for blocks. Even after I said I didn’t want to talk to him, he followed us here and continued to harass me.”

“Oh, Morgan, you know I did not harass you. You’re being hysterical as usual.” Jeffrey smiled at the officers and gave them a conspiratorial wink, as if they shared a secret. “By the way, sweetheart, are you still taking your medicine? You know the doctor said you get all anxious when you don’t.”

“Medicine,” he sputtered. “I don’t take medicine. What the hell are you talking about?”

“Calm down now, honey.” Jeffrey put a hand on his arm, and Leo charged at him.

“Don’t fucking touch him.”

“Leo, shut up and stay away from him,” Ronnie snapped. “Morgan, what do you have to say? Did Leo hit him?”

A laugh escaped him, but when he saw the two police officers exchange a glance, he knew he’d better explain quickly, or Leo would end up in handcuffs.

“Leo didn’t touch him. I punched him because he was in my face, yelling and screaming. He kept coming closer and closer, and I felt threatened.”

“He’s lying. He lies about everything—”

“I’m lying? Me? You don’t even know how to tell the truth anymore. I spent the better part of our marriage getting smacked around every time you had a bad day at work. I had sex when I didn’t want to because I was afraid you’d get angry and hurt me. And you know what? It didn’t matter because you hit me anyway, whether I gave in or not. You sent me to the hospital, then lied to the doctors, telling them I was a klutz and caused the accidents myself.” He turned to the two police officers, witnessing the shock, disgust, and anger on both their faces. “We haven’t been married for over a year, Officers. We’re divorced. I have an order of protection, and he’s violating it, so if anyone should be arrested, it’s him.” He pointed at Jeffrey. “I don’t take medication, and I’m not under a doctor’s care.” His eyes were wet, but he didn’t care. It was his truth, and it was time to set it free.

“To hell with you, Ronnie. Arrest me, but I’m not going to let Morgan go through this by himself.” Leo hugged him. “You are so fucking brave. So damn fucking brave.”

Him, brave? Really? How could that be when all he wanted was to go to bed, pull the covers over his head, and disappear from the world?

“Sir?” Ronnie crossed his arms. “Is what he said the truth? Did you follow him here to harass him? Are you divorced, and does he have an order of protection against you?”

Jeffrey worked his jaw. “It’s all a mistake.”

“What is?” Ronnie tipped his head to the other officer. “My partner is going to call and find out if there is a restraining order, and if so, we’re going to arrest you for violating it, as well as stalking, harassing, and attempted assault.”

Jeffrey’s bug eyes shifted over all of them before he took off, racing away. Ronnie and his partner scrambled after him.

“He’s got a car parked around the corner,” Leo yelled after them. “A black BMW coupe.”

“Kristine, get the squad car. I’ll go after him on foot,” Ronnie yelled, already running.

“Got it.”

She hopped into the car, and sirens blaring, took off on screeching tires. Morgan stood rooted to the sidewalk. Leo’s hand rested on the nape of his neck.

“I think we should go inside.” Leo steered him into the building, down the hallway, and into his apartment. Between kisses, Leo unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it over his shoulders, then unzipped his chinos and pulled them down along with his boxers.

“What’re you doing?” Morgan murmured, feeling a bit shell-shocked. The world seemed fuzzy around the edges, as if everything was muted and in slow motion.

“Something someone should’ve done a long time ago. Concentrating only on you.”

“You don’t ha—”

“Quiet.” Leo covered his mouth with his, and Morgan fell into that kiss like he was drowning and Leo held the lifeline to his body, soul, and heart. Blue eyes glittering, and with a flush high on his cheeks, Leo spent time kissing him, lightly brushing their lips together, over and over in a soothing rhythm. “I hate what I Copyright 2016 - 2024