The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,77

is Morgan. We sort of didn’t get along when we first met, but then I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He’s…a really good person.”

As Diego studied him, his lips curved in a smile. “And you really care about him. I can tell.”

Uncomfortable—even with Diego, whom he’d been naked with—Leo drank the rest of his beer down. “Yeah. I do.”

“I’m glad for you, man. Seems like we both got what we wanted.”

“Sometimes we don’t even know what we want until we have it, and then it’s so natural, you wonder how you did without it,” Leo said, surprising himself, but the words were true. He’d had no idea how much he’d needed Morgan until he had him, and now that he did, he wasn’t ever going to let him go.

* * *


* * *

Maybe he had overdone it. With a rueful smile, Morgan lugged the four bulky bags up the subway steps and stood for a moment at the top of the stairs to catch his breath.

Every start of the school year he swore he wouldn’t give in to the temptation, but then his eye caught something irresistible, and he tossed it into the cart. The hustle and bustle in the store, shelves stuffed with shiny new workbooks and guides, plus classroom toys and games, invigorated him. The space was filled with other educators, as well as parents and children looking to get a jump start on the school year.

Morgan glanced up at the threatening clouds gathering overhead, and sending up a quick prayer, set off at a fast pace, the bags bumping and banging his legs.

He did not make it. The moment he turned the corner, lightning cracked across the sky, a boom of thunder rattled his teeth, and the rain dumped over him like an ocean wave. It was one of those late-summer storms you looked forward to that would break the suffocating heat, but no umbrella would help with the rain coming at you sideways.

“Oh God, I think I’m drowning,” Morgan gasped as he dropped his bags and unlocked the front door of the building. Water streamed from his hair onto his face and neck. “Ugh, I feel like a wet rat.”

Shivering, he pushed the elevator button and waited. The sound of a door unlocked, and hearing Leo’s voice, he prepared to be scolded. Instead, a gorgeous man he’d never seen before walked shoulder to shoulder with Leo, whose eyes widened when he saw Morgan.

“What the hell happened to you?”

“What does it look like? I got caught in the rain,” Morgan snapped. Fear curled in his belly. Who the hell was this guy, and what was he doing with Leo?

“Which wouldn’t have happened if you’d called me.” Infuriatingly composed—and more importantly, dry—Leo leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. Laughter brimmed in his eyes, and Morgan itched to wipe that smirk from his lips.

“It’s like a monsoon out there. An umbrella wouldn’t have helped. Besides, you were obviously busy with company.” Hell yeah, he sounded like a jealous, petulant child, but he’d be damned if he’d ask Leo who this man was.

“Oh, sorry. This is Diego. Diego, this is Morgan Cantrell.”


The pitch of his voice rang out in the hallway, making him wince, but he couldn’t help it. Of course it was Diego. This incredibly sexy guy, with huge eyes, legs that went on forever, and that cool, hip vibe was exactly whom he’d pictured as Leo’s ex. Dressed in tight black jeans ripped at the knees and a gray T-shirt that accentuated his broad chest, Diego was much more Leo’s type than a kindergarten teacher who looked like a drowned rat. Maybe they were getting back together. Maybe—

“Morgan, hi, nice to meet you.” Diego stuck out his hand, and Morgan wiped his wet palm on his unpleasantly soaked jeans before taking it.

“Nice to meet you too. I didn’t know you were stopping by.” Morgan was careful not to meet Leo’s gaze.

“Oh, I didn’t plan on it. I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d drop in to see if Leo was around.”

“Glad you two could get together.” The elevator door opened. “Well, I gotta go get out of these wet clothes. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” Still avoiding Leo, Morgan punched the elevator button, and the door slid shut. He began to shake and didn’t stop until the door locked behind him in his apartment.

Why did he act like such a jerk? He should’ve had more faith in them as a couple to ignore Copyright 2016 - 2024