The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,68

words came back to him, and it was as if a cold hand slapped him.

What the hell do you want? Do you even know?

A twig snapped in the distance, and the beam of a flashlight swept along the grass.

Shit. Security.

“Bye, Dad.” He touched the headstone and hustled in the opposite direction, taking the long way around to the original place where he’d sneaked inside. Within minutes he was on his bike and heading home.

Except he didn’t end up there. Like the devil himself nipped at his heels, Leo retraced the same path he’d taken not an hour earlier, and once again found himself standing in front of Peter’s door. Maybe Morgan’s new guy was there and they were already making plans, but Leo didn’t care. He knocked.

A stone-faced Morgan opened the door. “What do you want?”

“Don’t you check to see who it is before you open the door?” he growled. “This isn’t upstate where you come from. I could be anyone.”

“And yet it’s you, and I knew it, and opened the door anyway. What do you want now? Did you forget something?”

“Yeah, this.” He took Morgan by the shoulder and swooped in for the kill, crushing their lips together over his protestations. A warm sense of rightness flowed over him, and as Morgan’s mouth softened under his, he tightened his grip on him. Velvet stroked velvet, and they clung to each other as the last vestiges of Morgan’s reluctance melted away.

“What was that for?” Almost frightened, Morgan inched away. “What’s going on with you?”

“Is he here? Is that the problem?” Leo pushed past Morgan into the living room, but it was empty. “Where is he?”

“Who the hell are you talking about?”

“Your date.”

“There is no date. Leo, you’re acting crazy.”

“You’re right. I must be crazy. I can’t stop thinking about you being with that guy.”

“But I’m not. Wait, why the hell am I explaining anything to you?” With his jaw set in a mutinous thrust, Morgan glared at him. “You have no right to barge in here and—”

Leo silenced him with another kiss. He tangled his fingers in Morgan’s hair and settled his lips over Morgan’s. His tongue pushed inside, playful against Morgan’s, and they warred and rubbed and tangled, while his hips rocked a slow, steady rhythm.

“Leo, oh my God.” Morgan hooked his arms around his neck, and Leo skimmed along Morgan’s waist to cup his ass.

“Don’t be with anyone else.”

“I…I’m not. I haven’t been.”

“You can’t. You’re mine.”

“What?” Morgan broke free and retreated to the other end of the living room. “Yours? I’m not a possession. You don’t own me.”

“I know.” He rubbed his face. “I got carried away. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. I-I don’t want you to—”

The front door opened, and Peter already had a smile on his face. “See, babe? I told you it was Leo’s bike. My dude, what’s going on?” Peter slapped him on the back, but Leo barely felt it, his entire being fixated on Morgan. “Here to hang out with Morgan while he’s babysitting?”

He couldn’t answer.

“Thanks so much, Morgan, for helping us out. How much do we owe you?” Marla hung up her purse.

Still on the other side of the room, far away from Leo, Morgan shook his head. “No way. I can’t accept payment.”

“But that’s not fair. At least let us pay for your ride home.”

“He’s coming home with me,” Leo said.

“Says who?” Morgan’s brows drew together, his lips pressed tight.

Enough already. Leo made it across the room in three long strides. He didn’t care how big Peter’s grin was or if Marla was watching, her eyes soft, a hand over her mouth. He framed Morgan’s face between his hands and gazed into his wide, astonished eyes.

“Says me.” He swallowed. “Your boyfriend.”

* * *


* * *

Morgan blinked. “What?” He must be hearing voices. “What did you say?”

Leo’s intense blue stare reached right inside to his core, but it was the tiny smile lifting the corners of his lips that set Morgan’s heart from a flutter to full-blown pounding.

“No good boyfriend would let you go home alone. I have my bike, so you’re coming with me. I mean…” He huffed out an exasperated breath. “I’d really like to take you home. If you’ll let me.”

Okay, so now they’d entered the Twilight Zone portion of the evening. Leo, saying he was his boyfriend. Asking if he’d like to go home together. Giving him a choice.

Morgan didn’t know whether he should get his temperature checked or climb the man like a tree, Copyright 2016 - 2024