The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,63

hands stroking his body—his phone buzzed.

“Ignore it,” Leo growled, already hard against Morgan’s belly. “You’re as ready as I am, and I can’t wait.” A large hand cupped his ass, and Morgan almost swooned.

The phone continued to vibrate and buzz. “I-I can’t. I have to get it.”

“Fuck. Hurry it up.”

Shaky and blurry-eyed, Morgan answered the phone. “H-hello?” God, he sounded high.

“Is this Morgan? Hi, it’s Derrick. Chris’s friend? Is this a good time?”

Hearing that friendly voice was like a douse of cold water in the face. What the hell was he doing? Exactly what he said he wouldn’t do—roll over to get his stomach rubbed by Leo, because he decided he was horny. Morgan huffed, grateful beyond measure for the interruption, and twisted out of Leo’s arms to put a good five feet of space between them.

“Yes. It’s a great time. Chris told me you’d be calling.”

“Good. I was afraid he’d wait and then I’d call, and you’d wonder who this crazy person calling you was. I was hoping maybe you’d like to meet for a drink tonight.”

“Tonight? What time?”

“How’s five o’clock?”

Morgan watched as Leo turned his back to him and left the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

“Five is great. Where? Do you live in Brooklyn or the city?”

“I live in Bensonhurst. I like to hang out at this place called Drummers Pub. It’s pretty casual. Does that sound okay?”

“Perfect. See you then.”

“Great.” And Derrick did sound like meeting Morgan would be great. Maybe this could be the start of something new. And yet Morgan couldn’t help wondering what Leo was doing.


Having discarded three shirts, Morgan had decided not to be ridiculous and chose a blue button-down and a pair of jeans. As he approached the pub, he spotted Derrick and smiled to himself.

“Hi. I’m Morgan, and I guess we have the same taste in clothes.”

In a blue button-down and dark jeans, Derrick laughed, his brown eyes shining with approval. “Hi, Morgan, and I think you’d look great in anything.”

They gave a quick hug, and Derrick opened the door. “Let’s go inside.”

The bar was typical, with lots of wood decor and televisions up on the wall, playing sports. The bartender, a good-looking guy in his midthirties, gave a wave and a big smile.

“Derrick. Where the hell have you been? I thought you moved.”

“And leave you, John? Never. Me and my friend are gonna grab a booth.” Derrick squeezed Morgan’s arm. “What would you like to drink?”

“White wine is good.”

“Can I get two Chardonnays?”

“Sure thing. I’ll bring them over.”

Derrick led him to a booth in the back, and they faced each other, knees touching.

“How long have you known Chris?”

And so began the résumé portion of the date.

They sipped their wine and chatted easily, and Morgan had to admit he enjoyed himself, but there was no sexual spark. Derrick was someone he’d love to have as a friend but had no desire to be with physically. They finished their wine and stared at each other before they both started laughing.

“Are you not feeling this date as much as me?” Derrick asked. “Not that I don’t think you’re gorgeous and fun to talk to, but I’m not getting that God-I-want-to-rip-his-clothes-off vibe.”

Morgan choked on the wine. “Oh my God, I’m so glad you said it. I think you’re cool and awesome, but I don’t want to kiss you.”

“Chris will be so sad. He’s been after me to ask you out for a while.”

“Gee, what a shocker. What made you wait until now?”

John the bartender interrupted them.

“Anything else, you two?”

“Thanks, we’re good. Just the check, please.” Morgan smiled at him. The bartender raised his brows but nodded and walked away. “I hope it’s okay I asked for the bill. Guess he thought we were going to hang out.”

“I have no idea what John thinks. I’ve been trying to figure him out for years but haven’t unlocked that secret.”

“He’s not with anyone?”

“Nope. I’ve never even seen him date. He had a rough time after his brother died, I know. It really tore him up for years.”

“That’s horrible.”

“Yeah.” Derrick tracked John as he returned to the bar, and Morgan began to suspect he had more than a friendly interest in the man.

“Maybe you should hang out and talk to him?”

Derrick met his eyes with a guilty smile. “Is it obvious? I thought I was over my crush. Especially since he’s probably straight.”

“It’s okay. But I’m still curious as to why you waited until now to ask me out if Chris has been pushing.”

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