The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,61

brought someone over to my home? Don’t bother to answer, ’cause I’m gonna tell you. Never. So go ahead and growl, but I know what I see. Marla thinks he’s great, and you know she’s a great judge of character. He’s been helping her with preparing the kids for school and everything.”

“Yeah? She married you, though.”

“Deflect all you want, but I’ve seen enough to know Morgan’s no ordinary guy.”

“You don’t know shit. We’re just fooling around.”

“Sounds to me more like you’re fooling yourself.”

Leaving Peter laughing, Leo flipped him off and strode away to sit by Morgan’s side. “Don’t pay attention to Peter. He’s being a dick.”

“It’s okay.” Facing him squarely, Morgan lifted his chin. “I have nothing to be ashamed of. Do you?”

With the challenge between them, Leo again admired Morgan’s guts.

“No. Peter can be his stupid self, but we both know what we’re doing—just two guys letting off some steam. Fucking around. I’m not your type.”

Morgan’s eyes narrowed. “Yeah. It’s not like you’re boyfriend material.”

“Hell to the no. We both know I’m not the right one for you.”

“I agree. I’ve been thinking about dating again, and now I’m sure I’m ready. I guess I have you to thank for helping me see the light.”

A giant knot tightened in Leo’s chest, and his heart beat furiously. “Glad to be of service. Let’s go home, and I’ll give you that massage if you’re still interested.”

“No reneging on a promise. You made me sore, so now you have to fix me.”

They gathered up the equipment, and Leo slung the duffel bag over his shoulder.

Peter waited for them by the door. “Morgan, Marla said to thank you for the school information, and if you want to stop by this week, she’d love to see you again.”

Leo shot Morgan a frown, but Morgan ignored him and smiled at Peter.

Why the hell did Morgan have to get so cozy with Peter’s wife?

Leo chewed on that information as Morgan and Peter chatted away like old pals.

“I will. Tell her I have some extra flash cards I can give her for the boys, as well as counting tables. I get them new every year, so the ones I want to give her are almost in perfect condition.”

“Cool, cool. Leo, my man. See you soon.”

He grunted and stuck his helmet on his head. “Yeah, sure.”

All the way home, he was aware of Morgan’s arms around his waist and the weight of his body snug against him. The afternoon was a distant memory, and Leo hungered for more. He parked by the rear entrance, alarmed the motorcycle, then opened the door.

“Ah, I never knew there was an entrance here.”

“It’s not for the tenants. I use it to bring out the ladders and other equipment I need to service the building.” Morgan waited for him as he slid the key in and turned the lock. He used the close quarters to brace his arms on either side of Morgan, trapping him in place. “Now I’d like to perform a more important personal service. What do you say?”

Morgan met his lips. “I say bring all your equipment. You never know what you’re going to need.”

* * *


* * *

“Why don’t you want me to set you up with Derrick? I think you two would really hit it off.”

Morgan lounged on his couch, FaceTiming with Chris, enjoying a glass of wine, and keeping half an eye on the television, which was tuned to something on Food Network he’d love to try but knew he never would. It had been four days since that bizarre night when Leo had brought him to Peter’s for a boxing lesson, and though they’d spent that night making love until the sun broke through the blinds, he’d gotten nothing more than an awkward, “See ya,” when he left in the morning. He’d seen Leo prowling around during the day, doing maintenance work on the grounds as well as on the inside of the building, but they never spoke.

“I’m not ready to have another relationship.”

Leo had all but said they were fuck-buddies and nothing more, yet if given the chance, Morgan knew he’d roll right over for the man again. Maybe Chris was clairvoyant, since he pounced on his words.

“Yeah? I bet if hot-and-hung Leo asked, you’d be on him like a fitted sheet.”

He opened his mouth to snap at his best friend, then stopped. “You’re right. And I’m stupid.”

Anger coupled with disappointment raced through him. Why should Leo get to make the decisions? Morgan went to bed Copyright 2016 - 2024