The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,57

“Feels good, huh?”

“That’s an understatement.” The thick fan of lashes rested on his flushed cheeks. “It was incredible. I never knew…” He glanced up for a moment, biting his full lower lip, and a stirring hit Leo deep in his belly.

How was it possible to want him again? Usually by this time he was itching to get dressed and leave, but he had no desire to move from Morgan’s side. He brushed aside the hair stuck to Morgan’s cheek.

“I’m glad. It can be overwhelming.”

“No, you don’t understand. I feel like I’ve been dead inside and now I’m awake and alive.”

They shared a kiss, and Leo, warmed by their lovemaking and sated with pleasure, wondered if they could go another round. Morgan snuggled nearer, and Leo’s hands played over his lean muscles.

“I like when you touch me,” Morgan whispered, and an ache built inside Leo as he wondered how anyone could hurt this man. Then again, he couldn’t figure out why his stepfather had hated him so much and used to beat the crap out of him when he was only a little kid.

“I like touching you too.” He continued to smooth his hands over Morgan’s limbs and stomach, learning the places that elicited those gusty sighs of pleasure, liking the way Morgan trembled underneath his questing fingertips. One minute he was mouthing off at him, throwing his wiseass comments in Leo’s face, and the next he was a writhing ball of lust, his body open and pliant, begging Leo to bring him satisfaction.

Leo liked both Morgan Cantrells. Smartass Morgan was fun to poke and argue with and sparked Leo’s desire to shut that sassy mouth up. And the best way he knew how was to kiss the man. Leo couldn’t deny that when they kissed or touched, it was like a fireball blew up inside him, and nothing would satisfy him but burying a part of himself inside Morgan. Their moments together had given him more pleasure than any other time spent with sexual partners in the past, including his ex, Diego.

“Were you serious about learning to box?” Leo played with the ends of Morgan’s hair, liking how the strands curled between his fingers.

“Yeah. I don’t say things I don’t mean.”

“Don’t be so touchy.” He glanced at his watch. “I’m asking because if you want, we can go to Peter’s now. I like Sundays because the shop is closed, so there’s no one to bother us. I have the key.”

Morgan sat up, the sheets falling to his waist. Red, pointy nipples peeked out from the swirl of brown chest hair, giving Leo second thoughts about leaving the bed.

“Really? That would be cool. If he wouldn’t mind.”

“Nah. Most likely he won’t even know, ’cause if his kids ran him around the whole day, and I’m sure they did, he’s gonna be down for the count and asleep before the ten o’clock news.” He swung his legs over the side of the bed and jumped up while Morgan picked up his boxers from the floor and slipped them on.

“I’ll meet you outside in ten minutes?” Leo put his clothes on and walked to the front door with Morgan on his heels. “Gonna grab a few things to bring along that we’ll need for you.”

“Sure. I’m just going to take a quick shower.”

Leo leaned in close. “Don’t bother. We’re both gonna be nice and sweaty once I’m finished with you.” He brushed his lips over Morgan’s half-open mouth. “We can take one afterward. Together.”

Whistling, Leo hurried to his apartment and whisked through it. He gathered two pairs of hand wraps, a weighted jump rope, and his gloves, threw them all in a duffel bag, and picked up the extra motorcycle helmet for Morgan. Still in a good mood from the fantastic sex humming through him, Leo left his place and exited out the rear entrance, got on his bike, and drove to the front, where Morgan waited for him. When their eyes met, Morgan broke out in a huge smile and joined him at the curb.

“Ready for your ride?”

Laughing, Morgan slid onto the bike and took the helmet from him. “Why does that sound so dirty when you say it?” He connected the strap under his chin.

Leo snickered. “Mind out of the gutter, 5C. Here I thought you were a sweet kindergarten teacher.” He put the signal on, ready to pull out into the traffic, when a car zoomed by, blaring its horn, then screeched around the corner.

“Stupid fucker,” Leo snarled. “Bastard almost Copyright 2016 - 2024