The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,45

A husky laugh escaped him, and Morgan couldn’t deny the pounding of his heart. Leo tipped his chin up and studied him for a moment, while Morgan stood waiting…trembling…his nerves on fire.

“Sweet Morgan. What do you think?” The touch of his tongue sweeping over Morgan’s lips caused him to nearly swoon. A strong and silent Leo was mysterious, exciting, and darkly sensuous. But a romantic, gentle, sexy Leo? God, his heart might not be able to stand it.

“When you do that, I can’t.”

Leo kissed him again, and Morgan’s last resistance crumbled. He melted into the pressure of Leo’s mouth on his.

“Then don’t. Don’t think about anything else but this.”

Still holding him, Leo settled his warm mouth over his. Leo’s heat soaked into his bones and skin, drawing him closer, rendering Morgan helpless to do anything but strain to push his lips harder to Leo’s.

Dazed, he struggled to stay aware, wanting to hold on tight to the magic of Leo’s hands skimming over his waist, hitching up his shirt, splaying over his back. His skin burned at the touch, and he moaned low and deep as fire burned through his blood.

“Make that sound again, and you might find yourself naked,” Leo’s voice rasped in his ear, and Morgan laughed weakly.

“Is that a promise or a threat?”

“It’s whatever you want it to be. But I’m about ready to explode if I don’t touch you soon.” The tips of Leo’s fingers dipped below the waistband of his jeans and the smile fled from Morgan’s lips as Leo’s intense gaze traveled over him from head to toe and ate him up. Morgan hardened, and his vision swam. No one had ever looked at him with such blatant hunger. He pressed his lips together to keep a whimper from escaping, but when Leo’s fingers delved lower, he couldn’t remain quiet.

“Do it,” he blurted, surprising himself with how much he wanted Leo. It wasn’t like him to be so free and needy. A virgin when he met Jeffrey, Morgan had only managed a few forgettable encounters beforehand, and for the past year he’d thought his libido crushed to pieces. But Leo was different. From the start Leo had intrigued him, and that had evolved into fascination and the thrill of desire.

Dark brows drew together, and Leo took a step away. “Don’t tempt me. I’m not like the other guys you know. There won’t be fancy dinner parties and cute brunches like you were used to. I’ve seen your wedding picture. Don’t expect me to be like your husband.” The moment fading, Leo let go of him and put some distance between them by sitting on the couch.

“Ex-husband. In case you’ve forgotten, I divorced him. I’m not looking to replace him with a clone. I’m not looking to replace him at all.” Nothing killed his buzz like talking about Jeffrey and the divorce.

“Why did you get divorced?” Leo ran his hands through his hair, and Morgan forced his attention off the rippling biceps.

Careful to keep his voice neutral, Morgan shrugged. “Why does anyone? We grew apart.”

Leo sent him a sharp look. “How long did you know each other before you were married?”

Growing agitated, Morgan paced the room. “What’d you do, look me up on the Internet? And why does it matter?”

So casual as to be annoying, Leo stretched out on the couch, arms folded behind his head, putting the length of his strong body on display. “I have a right to know who I’m renting to. So yeah, I checked you out.”

Cheeks on fire, Morgan stopped his back and forth. “Then you know we were married three years. We knew each other almost a year before that. Satisfied?”

Thoughtful blue eyes regarded him. “That’s not very long.”

Morgan shrugged. “Depends. My parents were engaged after three months and married within six of meeting each other and are still together after almost fifty years.”

“Well, lucky them.”

Hearing the bitterness, Morgan forgot his annoyance. “I’m sorry about your father. That must’ve been rough, losing him so young.”

The shutters slammed down on Leo’s face. “I said too much. I always let my visits with my mother get to me. I don’t know why.”

“Because she’s your mother. It’s only natural to be upset seeing her that way.” Leo said nothing, and Morgan plunged ahead. “I don’t even know her, and it was hard for me.”

“Why? Like you said, you don’t know her.” Leo gazed at the ceiling. “Why does it matter to you?”

“Because I’m a human being with feelings. You’d have to be made Copyright 2016 - 2024