The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,29

had a barbecue tonight.” She glanced around. “Is there a coffee shop close by where I could sit and wait for him? Or even a bench somewhere? I’m not familiar with the area at all.”

Humidity weighed heavily in the air, and the afternoon forecast called for sprinkles before it cleared out and cooled off somewhat for the night. As if to prove the point, several drops of rain splattered on his face as they stood there.

“There’s none around here—at least for a couple of blocks. It’s pretty residential.” Leo couldn’t let her walk around Brooklyn by herself.

Her face fell. “Darn it.”

Darn it?

Leo hadn’t heard that term used outside of those old-time, late-night, black-and-white television shows. He was so used to his mother’s foul-mouthed tirades, he didn’t know people still spoke like that.

“You can wait for him in my apartment if you’d like.”

Hold up, what? Did I just say that?

Apparently so, as her face brightened. “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you. I can figure something else out.”

“Not at all.” Raindrops started to fall in earnest, and Leo motioned to her. “Come on inside so we don’t get drenched.” With Morgan’s mother on his heels, he ran into the building and unlocked the inside door. “I would let you inside Morgan’s apartment, but he didn’t give permission on his lease agreement for anyone else to be allowed inside.”

Saying Cantrell’s first name sounded weird to Leo. He’d never called him Morgan. That seemed too personal.

“I’m sure he wouldn’t mind, but I understand.” She followed him to his apartment, and he opened the door, relieved he’d cleaned up a bit. She continued to chatter as she entered, and he listened with half an ear, hopeful Cantrell—Morgan—would hurry home now that it was raining. “When he rented the apartment, he hadn’t told us yet that he and Jeffrey were divorced.”

Curious to find out more about Morgan’s ex, Leo put on a smile. “Please sit down. Would you like a water?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you. I’m Becca, by the way.” She took a seat on the couch.

“Nice to meet you.” He leaned on the kitchen counter. “I know you and Morgan are close. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you sooner about the divorce.” He knew no such thing but figured to get a little more intel. He had no qualms fudging the truth.

“Well, he wanted to shield us. See, we loved Jeffrey, at least what we knew of him. He seemed perfect, and Morgan loved him. But all that changed once they were married. Morgan didn’t call as much, and when he did, there was always an excuse why Jeffrey couldn’t visit or even say hello.” She twisted the handles of her tote bag. “It’s like Jeffrey forgot about us once he married Morgan.”

As nice as Becca Cantrell seemed, Leo couldn’t imagine wanting a mother-in-law up in his business either. Jeffrey probably got tired of her calling.

“Maybe he wanted more alone time with Morgan.”

“I know what you’re thinking. That we were pushy and meddling in their business.” Her eyes twinkled for a moment. “But that’s not true. We saw Morgan once a year, when he’d come visit in the summer for a week. We only spent the holidays together twice. And he wasn’t himself anymore. He used to be so upbeat, always looking for the best in people, but after they got married, he changed.”

Until this point, Leo had listened to Becca Cantrell, figuring she was a pain-in-the-ass in-law and wouldn’t be able to shed any light on Morgan. And as nice a lady as she seemed, he had no desire to spend his afternoon entertaining her. He had enough dealing with his own mother. But his interest sharpened at her obvious distress over Morgan’s inexplicable behavior toward her and his father. People didn’t change without a reason. Leo knew.

“How did he change?”

“He sounded…sad. Quiet. I don’t know how well you know him, but Morgan was so excited to be living in New York City. After a year or so of being married to Jeffrey, he wasn’t the same Morgan. A mother knows.”

Some mothers, yeah. Ones who cared, and it was obvious Becca did. Leo wouldn’t know about that. And what could make a guy like Morgan change so quickly?

“Maybe the ex cheated on him and they were trying to work it out, but it was still upsetting to him.”

Ladies and gentlemen, this afternoon presented to you as another episode of Dr. Phil.

“Morgan swore Jeffrey didn’t cheat on him.”

And it was inconceivable that Morgan would cheat. Copyright 2016 - 2024