The Right One - Felice Stevens Page 0,22

without sex except for his hand made Morgan horny as hell. He had to bite back a whimper.

“What? Is there another problem?” Impatience crept into Leo’s voice, and a horrible thought hit Morgan: What if Leo was having sex and I interrupted?

“Are you too busy to talk? I-I had a thought, but it can wait if you’re busy with someone…I mean something.” He gulped, and seeing the gleam in Leo’s eyes, wished he could fall through the cracks.

“Yeah? A thought? Guess I better hear what’s running around in your mind so you don’t almost blow up my building again. Come in.”

Morgan couldn’t imagine Leo would have invited him in if he’d been having sex. “You’re sure it’s okay? If you’ve got someone with you, I don’t want to disturb you.”

“What? You think they’re tied up in my bedroom, waiting for me?” Leo threw back his head and roared with laughter. “No such luck, 5C, unless you’re offering?” An ebony brow edged up, and a white smile flashed in his darkly handsome face.

“D-don’t be stupid.” Morgan brushed past him, greedily inhaling the hot smell of Leo’s sweat and some spicy scent. A set of barbells sat in the middle of the living room, along with a bench and a standing punching bag, like a boxer would use. “You were exercising?”

“Ding, ding, ding. Give the man a prize.” After closing the door, Leo pulled off the headband holding his hair off his face, and all those thick waves spilled forward over his brow. “Now tell me what you came by to talk to me about. I’m dying of curiosity.” His lips twitched.

Irritated by the sarcasm, Morgan set his jaw and stayed close to the door. “You’re making fun of me. Don’t deny it. I already got the hint—you’re a big, bad loner. But everyone likes to have a place they can come home to that’s like an escape from the real world. And seeing all the pretty gardens the other buildings in the neighborhood have planted made me think we should have that here. And if we do this, it needs to get done quickly, before the summer’s over.”

“Flowers.” Leo gave him a strange look. “You want me to waste time and money putting in flowers.”

“It’s not a waste of time,” Morgan said hotly. “It makes the place look more inviting, and every other building around us does it. It’ll make the tenants happy, and we’d take care of it. Maybe it’ll help rent vacant apartments quicker, or…I don’t know.”

“That’s right, you don’t know.” Leo yawned and wiped his face and underarms with a towel as he spoke, and Morgan had to force himself to focus anywhere but on the ripple and bulge of his biceps. “I’m not going to waste my water bill on flowers that’re just going to die anyway.”

Why was he being so impossible? “Sorry if I’m boring you. So you’re saying no? What if I want to do it and pay for it myself? You don’t have to do anything.”

“Except pay for the water.”

Morgan’s temper flared. “Oh, come on. Stop being a dick about nothing. It’s a bunch of damn flowers. What’s wrong with wanting to make the place look nicer? What’s your problem?”

Leo flung down the towel and advanced on him. “My problem is mouthy, annoying tenants who don’t take no for an answer.” His face came dangerously close to Morgan’s. “Is that your problem, Cantrell? You don’t like hearing the word no?”

Morgan’s breath hitched as his gaze locked with Leo’s ice-blue, glittering eyes. Every nerve ending under his skin leaped to tingling awareness, and the hair on his nape rose. Shockingly, Leo cupped his cheek, and his thumb played lightly over Morgan’s mouth.

“Or is it that you want to say yes?”

Oh, God. Morgan nearly melted into the floor at the touch of Leo’s hot skin. He burned inside and out and could only stand mutely, his body throbbing and alive.

But as he watched triumph light up Leo’s eyes, Morgan realized he didn’t want to be just an easy fuck in Leo’s bed. The next time he slept with a man, it would be on his terms, emotionally as well as sexually.

“Let me go,” he gasped, and finding some inner source of strength, pushed at Leo, who stumbled away. “What the hell is wrong with you?”

“Me?” Leo ground out. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he repeated with an angry glare. “You come in here talking about sex, looking at me like you want to rip Copyright 2016 - 2024