Right Next Door - A.J. Pryor Page 0,91

talk. The fucker hasn’t acknowledged my presence except for that damn smirk that he hasn’t wiped off his faux Calvin Klein face.

I’m going to kill him.

I raise my arm to pummel him again.

“Damian! Damian, stop it!” Addison’s hysterical voice cries out behind me and in my hazy fog of needing this asshole to never go near her again, her pleading breaks through.

I turn, Matt still firmly in my grip. She’s a mess, her hair sticking to her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. Some of his blood has splattered onto her white T-shirt and I cringe, not wanting her to be near any of this.

“Addison, go into your room. I’ll take care of it.”

She closes her eyes tight, her fists balled up by her sides. “It’s not worth it, Damian. Please, stop. For me. For us. Just let him go.” She opens her eyes and silently pleads with me. The tears still streaming down her soft white cheeks. I’m shaking, stuck between being a man and protecting his woman, or wimping out and caving to my girlfriend’s wishes.

Either way, I lose.

She looks panicked, her eyes wide in fear and her bottom lip slightly trembling. This guy makes her feel things I know she’d rather forget, and I have no idea why she let him in her apartment to begin with. I can end this. But her pleading look, tears at my heart. If I do more damage to this fucker, she’ll never forgive me and I’ll lose her.

If I let him go, with nothing more than a broken nose, he’ll come back and it will never be over. But losing her is worse than losing this fight.

I drop him and watch as he crumbles to the floor, his hand covering his broken nose. “Stand up and walk the fuck out of here. She doesn’t belong to you anymore.”

“Really?” It’s the first time he’s said a word and due to the state of his nose, it comes out garbled. Blood gushing down and into his mouth with each breath he takes. “Then why is it my ring she has on her finger?”

Breathing feels hard. Impossible really. In the five minutes I’ve been in the same room as this dick, he hasn’t laid a finger on me, has spoken barely ten words, but it feels like he just slammed me against a wall, knocking the wind right out of my chest. I look down at her hand and bright as day, she’s wearing a diamond the size of fucking Texas. I have no idea how I missed it earlier, but my heart feels ripped out of my chest, as if it’s being eaten for someone’s lunch.

Everything I saw when I walked through that front door plays back in my mind. Addison in his arms, the tears, his refusal to leave and now the ring. The reality of the situation comes crashing down around me. Would she really say yes? The fact that I need to ask myself that question speaks volumes.

Frantically trying to pull it over her knuckle, the tears flow stronger down her cheeks. “No. Damian no. He’s lying.” She’s struggling, can’t get the damn thing off and I have to wonder how hard she had to work to get it on in the first place.

“How so? Because I’d remember if I was the one who gave you that ring.”

“Here, take another tissue.”

I grab the white piece of flimsy paper out of Mia’s hand and blow my nose, making an unflattering noise that would scare a duck, not attempting to wipe at my eyes. What would be the point? The diamond, or the devil, at this point they represent the same thing, sits on the table in front of us. How could such a large beautiful gem be so destructive?

“Why did you let him get close enough to put this on your finger?” Paige has picked up the symbol of sin and is inspecting every inch of it. I want to tell her to take it, she can have it, but with the way my life stands now, I’m going to need to sell that evil beautiful stone, in order to live for the next few months.

“It all happened so fast.” I still can’t wrap my head around the way tonight played out. One minute I was looking at the ring, the next Damian was bursting through my front door and suddenly Matt slipped it on my finger. It all happened too fast for me to react.

Mia has taken my white

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