Right Next Door - A.J. Pryor Page 0,79

bad it really was. But there was nothing I could do to help if I stayed here. This is such a small town, and if I wanted a real career in investment banking, I needed to go back east. But I never would have been able to convince you to leave your dad and come with me. Especially after he got so sick. Trying to keep up a long distance relationship when I knew I’d be working ridiculous hours was only going to end in us hating each other. Leaving seemed like my best solution, even if it meant destroying what we had. I knew if we were meant to be, we’d re-build it, Addison.”

An explanation, after all these years he’s finally delivering an inside glimpse as to what was going through his mind the day he took off. And while I appreciate his attempt at trying to get me to understand where he was coming from, it doesn’t take away the unnecessary pain he caused. “You could have called, told me you needed a break.”

He looks me straight in the eyes, his lips slightly curving in a grin. “There were a lot of things I could have done. But once I left, I put up an emotional wall. I only allowed you to enter my thoughts when I was alone and could have you to myself. My marriage was one of convenience. It was never a marriage of love. Not even from her. Helen married me because her dad asked her to; she’s been cheating on me since the beginning of our relationship.”

“Sounds like you two are the perfect match.”

He bitterly laughs. “Addison, let me back in. Answer my calls. Talk to me. Let me try to rebuild what we once had. You don’t have a job here anymore. Your ties to this city are few and far between.”

He’s right. If I don’t have a job, and my family is gone, why would I stay? I’ve always wanted to leave, and now I have the chance to start over some place new. I have a few months’ worth of savings. It would be entirely possible for me to leave. But the idea gives me a sudden sense of panic, and my heart sinks at the thought as the image of a dark-haired man with dark eyes and abs that crave my touch fill my mind. The thought of his face, the memory of his lips pressed to mine, his hands skimming over my skin are like a bucket of ice water over my head, clearing the cobwebs Matt has started to spin in my brain. I have to talk to Damian. I need him to tell me why he lied.

Suddenly sitting here with Matt feels very uncomfortable.

Lost in my own head, I don’t realize his face is in front of mine, his cheek sliding against my own, his lips moving to my ear. “Addison, please don’t shut me out.” His warm breath tickles my skin, and his hands, which had been on my thighs are now grasping me around the waist.

“I have to go,” I say as I stand and step back from his touch.

He pulls back in surprise. “Did you not hear anything I just said?”

Throwing my purse over my shoulder, I make sure I have his full attention. “I heard it all, but I still have to go.”

Racing towards the exit, I’m almost outside when he calls my name. “Addison!”

I turn, not sure what else there is to say.

Slowly he walks in my direction. “Will you at least think about not completely closing the door on us?”

Wanting to get out of there, I give the only answer that comes to my mind. “Sure.”

My front door slams into the wall with a bang. Jumping off my couch, I’m surprised to see Addison storming into my apartment. She doesn’t look happy.

“How did Emily’s mom die?” The underlying tone of accusation in her voice is putting me on edge and I have to wonder if Thomas spilled information from that sealed file.

“I told you. In a car accident.”

Addison’s hands are curled up by her sides, her shoulders raised and tense. Her eyes lowered and there is absolutely no smile anywhere on her face. It looks like she’s possibly been crying. I take a step towards her and she puts her hand out to stop me.

Her eyes close. “When?”

Addison is shaking. She’s not wearing a coat and the March wind has done a number on her hair. I ignore her protest

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