Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,66


Taking a step back, she shakes her head. “I’m going right to the principal. He should know what type of teacher he hired.” Her eyes narrow on me, and I literally feel the blood drain from my face when I see her remember who I am. Turning her attention to Mitchell now, she sneers, eyes full of disgust.

“You have got to be kidding me. How long has this been going on?” She gestures between us. “I thought you said nothing happened that day at the garage. You promised me nothing happened Mitchell. You lying piece of shit.”

Mitchell stiffens. “I didn’t lie to you, Tabitha. Nothing did happen between us that day. Up until this school year, I haven’t seen Hailey since she left the shop that day. You know damn well I never cheated on you. Can you say the same?”

Tabitha doesn’t have a response to that. Her non-response is an answer itself and I watch as Mitchell nods. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” His voice is bitter, but that’s to be expected.

She turns, leaving my classroom, her head held high. Is she really going to try to get me fired for being in a relationship with her husband? Is it going to be a problem that we’re dating? I can separate the Evie at home from the Evie at school. I want to chase after her, beg her not to say anything to the principal, but I don’t get the chance.

Mitchell takes off after her, leaving me standing alone in the center of my classroom wondering what he’s doing. I want to go after them both now, but I can’t. My last conference of the day will be here any minute. I just hope I have a job after it’s finished.

Chapter 29


Tabitha is stalking up the hallway when I leave Hailey’s classroom. “Tabitha,” I hiss, trying not to draw any more attention to us. She ignores me, but I know she had to hear me say her name. The acoustics in this hallway are amazing.

I continue following her until she’s almost to the principal’s office. Letting her sabotage Hailey’s career isn’t something I can do, so I speed up enough to grab her at the elbow and pull her onto a different hall.

“What are you doing?”

She looks up at me, faking confusion. “What do you mean? I told you back there. I’m going to go see what the principal has to say about this.” Tabitha shakes her head and I hate when she does this. She’s playing the part of the poor wife, the one who’s husband abuses her in every way.

It couldn’t be further from the truth, but if she goes to the principal, there’s a very real possibility she’ll cost Hailey her job. If that happens, I’ll probably lose Hailey. I can’t let that happen.

“Why? Why do you have to be this way? Hailey hasn’t done anything to you, but you’re going to try to ruin her career? And for what? You just want to be able to say you got one up on her for stealing your husband when you know that’s not what happened.”

Tabitha tries to say something, but I talk over her. “I never cheated on you, Tabitha, not even when I felt like I was going to be stuck in a marriage that made me miserable until Evie turned eighteen.” I’m trying to explain it to her rationally, but the more I talk, the higher my voice rises. If I’m not careful, someone will hear us arguing and come to investigate. Then I won’t have to worry about Tabitha being the reason the principal finds out about our relationship.

“After last summer, I didn’t think I’d ever see Hailey again. She was so upset with me when she found out I was married, even though nothing happened between us. Her ex cheated on her, multiple times, so she would never willingly do that to someone else. Don’t punish her for what you assume are my indiscretions. Don’t punish her because you’re still pissed off at me.”

At this point, as much as I hate the thought of even doing it, I’m not above begging her. Tabitha looks away from me, indecision on her face. Her brows are pulled in and she starts nibbling on her thumbnail in a way I used to think was cute.

“Please, Tab.”

She’s still looking down at the opposite end of the hallway when she speaks. “You weren’t supposed to leave me.”

My head rears back. “Excuse me?”

“You weren’t supposed to leave me.”

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