Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,33

just the place.”

It doesn’t take very long, and when we pull into the next parking lot I start to laugh. “Bowling? Really?”

Mitchell shrugs. “Why not? Bowling is fun.” I give him a look that says I’m not sure it’s fun and he just smirks. “I mean, if you’re worried I’m going to beat you, we can always play pool instead.”

“Ha! I’m not sure that’s fair either. Pool isn’t something I’m very good at.” Truth is, I did a lot of bowling when I was younger and was decent. I’m not about to tell him that though. Let him think I’m worried about losing and maybe he’ll take it easy on me.

The place is busy when we walk in, but there are a few open lanes. Not many, but a few. We get our shoes and pick out our balls, then I follow him over to the lane they gave us. After putting on the ugly bowling shoes, we program the screen that will show our scores and it’s time to start.

I’m distracted at first because this bowling alley is new to me and has a serious hipster vibe. Mitchell looks very comfortable here with his beard and tattoos, not that I would ever call him a hipster to his face. And he’s not one, he just comes off as being very laid-back and easygoing.

He does have his intense moments though. When we were still at the restaurant and I was taking the picture with Will, his eyes were almost burning with possessiveness. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make the spot between my thighs damp and needy. It was awesome considering I haven’t been attracted to anyone in so long. Seth sure never made me feel that way. With him, I was always either an inconvenience or an afterthought.

Mitchell lines up his first shot and his ass in those jeans drags my attention away from the high ceilings and exposed beams. I stare shamelessly at the picture him bent over presents, struggling not to reach up and check for drool in the corner of my mouth. He’s got such a nice butt. It’s the kind you just want to take a bite out of.

Said butt turns and I try to focus my attention on anything else, but he catches me staring. “Like what you see?”

My face bursts into flames, but I force myself to meet his gaze and say something I normally wouldn’t. “Uh, yeah. Anyone who says they don’t is lying.”

His head drops back as he bursts into laughter and I watch his Adam’s apple bob beneath his beard. Gah. It should be illegal to be as attractive as he is. It’s not fair. How is a girl supposed to keep from tumbling straight from lust into love when he’s standing there looking like a god with his tall, broad-shouldered, lean-waisted body?

It’s a struggle, but I manage to turn my attention away from his body to look up at the score. He got a strike while I was ogling him like a crazy obsessed stalker. How did he concentrate long enough to do that?

Mitchell’s still grinning at me when I turn back to him and I know he knows what I’m thinking. He doesn’t acknowledge it though, he just gestures for me to take my turn and I do my best to put on a show. I want him to be just as distracted as I am.

I make a show of swinging my hips when I walk up to grab my ball and bend over slowly, hopefully giving him the best view of my butt in these jeans. This wasn’t what I imagined our date was going to be like when I got dressed, but the skinny jeans and t-shirt I decided on are working out very well. It also doesn’t hurt that my… let’s say admiration of Leo Nash made Mitchell get a very jealous and possessive glint in his eyes.

Mitchell’s groan when I bend to release the ball has me hiding a smile when I turn back to face him. It’s killing me not to watch the ball as it rolls down the alley, but I’m trying to act confident and sexy instead of insecure and whatever the opposite of sexy is. Frumpy? Maybe, but I wouldn’t say I feel frumpy. That could just be the way he’s so laser-focused on the sway of my hips as I walk back to where he’s sitting.

The sound of pins falling stops me right before I reach him,

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