Right With Me - Stacey Lewis Page 0,21

her face.

Leaning down, he tweaks her nose. “Of course you’ll be amazing, Soph. How could you be anything but?” She giggles before turning her attention back to the dancers finishing up their routine.

The last group of dancers finally finishes their routine and Meredith walks into the middle of the room as the last person runs off to talk to all the parents and dancers.

“Hi, parents!” Her bubbly personality has everyone saying hi and smiling back at her. “I hope you all enjoyed that taste of our upcoming recital. All the kids have been working hard and we are so excited for you to see the final, polished product.” She goes on to talk about the costumes and what each dancer needs in the different age groups while Evie listens like there’s going to be a test at the end she’s going to have to take.

My head is spinning by the time she stops speaking. Every year the recitals are more involved and there’s more stuff for the parents to do. It’s rough for parents like me who don’t have anyone to help do things. Tabitha sure can’t be counted on to help sew on sequins or hot glue feathers to fabric. At least it’s been two years since the feathers thing. I think I still have PTSD from that. Feathers all over the damn house. I swear to God I found feathers for over a year after in the most random places.

“I’m gonna tell Miss Meredith bye,” Evie tells me, not giving me the chance to tell her we need to get going. I’m sure Ben’s had enough being at my parents. They’re great, don’t get me wrong, but she always finds him something to do while he’s there so going to grandma’s isn’t the break for him it is for Evie.

Since she runs off, I have a few extra minutes to discuss the upcoming football season with the guys. Isaac and Caleb’s brother is a player on our local team, so they have lots of inside info on who’s still struggling with an injury or who’s not going to do well this year. It will come in handy when we start picking fantasy players at the garage.

Evie finally runs back over to me ready to leave, and we’re almost at the door when Meredith says my name. The look on her face instantly has my body on alert. She’s about to say something I’m not going to like… I can tell.

“Mitch, if you need help with the costumes,” she starts to say, but I cut her off.

The fact that she thinks I need help coming up with a dance costume for my own kid ticks me off. “I’ve got it handled.”

She can tell I’m not going to relent, so Meredith finally nods. “Okay. Let me know if anything changes. We’ll be glad to help with anything you need.” With one last smile at Evie, she walks off to speak to other parents and I take advantage of her leaving to do the same. I don’t need or want any more offers of “help,” especially if they come from some of the single moms in the group. Dating the parent of one of Evie’s dance mates wouldn’t end well for any of us.

Chapter 14


Today is the day. My first day as a real, live teacher! I was so excited last night it was almost like I was about to be a student this year too.

My mom was entirely too happy to come and get Connor this morning though. There’s no way I can thank her enough for being willing to drop everything to help me out, even if it kills me I’m not going to see him on his first day of pre-school.

Walking into my classroom, all I can do is turn circles in a crazy attempt to see everything one last time before my students come in. They’re all going to love being in my classroom this year. It’s so bright and cheerful, the two things I lived way too much of my life without.

Kids start filing into the room a few minutes later and I freeze. Literally, all I can do is stand here and stare at them all as they make their way to the desks with their names on them.

Can I really do this? I’m not sure. I was confident about this before I saw all the kids, but now that it’s real, I’m actually going to be teaching kids, I’m panicking. Who gave me permission

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