Riding His Longboard - Sienna Blake Page 0,21

me what to do.”

“I want you to straddle the board while I lie down facing you,” he said.


“There’s plenty of room on there for both of us, and you can see how I paddle out,” he said.

I felt super self-conscious, but I maneuvered around to the front of the board and moved one leg over to straddle it. The waves weren’t too strong, but they were making it hard to keep my balance, so I reached my arms behind me to grip the front of the board. It was a little awkward and I had to arch my back to get into position, but I was pretty sure I would have fallen off if I let go.

The bright sun was directly in my eyes, so I closed them, trying to picture popping up on the board like Joel had shown me. Those disciplined thoughts lasted for about two seconds before my brain went rogue.

In my mind, I saw Joel dropping his trunks on the sand, his own “longboard” fully erect, stroking himself as he decided what to do to me. At that moment I would have let him do anything—and I mean anything—he wanted. I was so wet now, it wouldn’t have mattered how big his cock was, it would have slid right in me. What did he say about “pumping?” Good waves or something? All I could think about was him pumping and thrusting deep into me on this board.

Then I thought about his tongue. I’d seen him licking his lips earlier and imagined that could just be the starting point, followed by my lips then neck then every part of my body. Actually, forget that. I didn’t need slow foreplay right now; I needed satisfaction.

In my head, my bikini somehow melted off. (Shut up. I’m in dreamworld here, anything could happen.) Joel crawled up the board then went straight for my clit, flicking his tongue back and forth while his fingers plunged deep inside me as the pressure built and built until I cried out in an amazing fucking orgasm. I swear I almost had one sitting there just thinking about it.

I opened my eyes and returned to reality, which to be honest, was pretty damn great. Private beach. Perfect weather. Hot, rich, half-naked guy. As Joel stood over me smiling, I wanted to tell him every one of those dirty fantasies. Hell, I wanted to show him every single one of my fantasies. Instead I asked, “Am I doing this right?”


I was kinda telling the truth when I said that straddling the board in front of me was a good way to start for a beginner, but oh my God, watching her arch her back like that, tits out, legs open wide… I mean, I was only human.

“You know, I think it will be easier to keep your balance if you hold the board in front of you and lean forward,” I said reluctantly, since it was true but couldn’t be nearly as sexy. Turns out I was wrong. With her hands positioned down by her knees, her arms shoved her breasts so close together that her cleavage practically went up to her neck.

“Is this better?” she asked.

Scratch that. This was was just as sexy.

“Perfect,” I said through suddenly dry lips. “You look perfect.”

I lay my body down, my head just past her knees, fantasizing about turning my face and slowly licking my way up her thighs as I pulled that little bikini bottom out of the way with one finger and thrusting my tongue into…

“Joel? Did you hear me?”

Oh shit. Did she say something?

“I’m so sorry,” I croaked out. “I was concentrating on, um, positioning the board properly. Can you say it again?”

“I asked if you needed me to scoot back so you had more room.”

“No, this works,” I said, finally getting a hold of myself. “Let’s go.”

I did my best to give her a good lesson. First, I showed her how to paddle out a little bit, then turn the nose of the board toward the shore. Once we were out past the break, I jumped off the longboard. The water here was only up to my chest. She slid belly first into position.

“Make sure you look over your shoulder to gauge the waves and to see if there are other surfers,” I told her. “I own this chunk of the beach, so you probably won’t see too many people out here. It’s usually just me and my neighbor Rhys. But we do get some

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