Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,8

you?” I asked her, confused. “Always? Everyday?”

“Everyday.” She nodded her head. It was the sad truth.

I pushed myself off the wall and felt my blood begin to boil. “These fucking mechanics think they can talk to whomever they want, however they want.”

“What’re you doing? Go back inside. It’s fine,” she said, realizing I was about to walk over there and teach them all a lesson or two.

“Baby! Why don’t you come over here and sit on daddy’s face!” The first guy yelled back at her. He had a cocky smile draped over his face. That was the last straw. I had to teach him a lesson. No one should talk to women like they’re furniture.

“Hey, pal.” I felt myself get tunnel vision. Looking straight ahead of me, I walked slowly across the street without checking for any cars. I didn’t care about anything right now, except for showing him what the hand of God felt like.

“Buddy, sit back down. This doesn’t concern you. This is between me and the fine lady next to you,” he laughed.

“Yeah,” the other guy jumped in, “sit back down, pussy.”

Okay, that was the last straw. Despite the lady’s pleas, I couldn’t control what happened at this point. I was already across the street, walking toward the group of morons laughing together like a pack of wild hyenas. It just wasn’t their day.

“Ever hear of the concept of respect?” I asked him.

“What the fuck? Calm down pal.” The “leader” said to me. He turned to his friends and said “Can you believe this guy? Thinks he’s the fucking King of Monroe.” They, of course, all broke into choreographed laughter.

“Not the king. Just your enemy. Buddy.” It was only seconds before my ring met his nose in a crashing display of strength. It was weak to ambush a lady like that. It was weaker to not apologize for your mistakes.

His nose shattered almost instantly and he fell to his knees. I kicked his stomach once for good measure and grabbed the back of his full head of hair. I pulled back and whispered, “Apologize to the lady.”

“Stop!” She yelled. “What the hell are you doing!”

The man had blood and snot running down his puny face. He turned to me and spit chunks out onto my boot. “Fuck you,” he coughed.

“Wrong answer,” I said, picking him up. With the back of his t-shirt, I propped him up on the chain link fence behind him and turned to face his friends. They stood there, shaking and clenching their fists. “You all want to dance too?” I took one step forward and they ran.

Turning to my guy, I said “You're going to stay up there for the rest of the day. I want you to think about how you treat women.”

“My face…” He moaned.

I turned and headed back for my drink. “Are you kidding me?” The woman screamed at me.

“A ‘thank you’ would be nice,” I muttered, throwing my cigarette on the ground. The fact that it stayed between my fingers the whole time showed just how much control I still really had.

“You could have cost me my job. If my boss saw me, I—”

“Yeah you'd get fired. Be happy I stuck up for you. I don't do that for just any girl you know.” I pushed the café door open and loudly sat back down.

“Don't walk away from me,” she whispered out of the corner of her pretty mouth, making sure her boss couldn't hear her. I had to stop myself from fantasizing. I wanted to part those lips, to watch as they draped over me, dragging across my rigid flesh. Fuck, I was dying out here by myself and all this coffee and fighting was getting me going.

“Look, honey. I'm doin’ you a favor. Some douchebags got what was coming to them. Be grateful,” I said. I grabbed a newspaper off the corner of the table and began reading it, hoping she would just leave me alone.

But she didn't. She just stood there, staring with her hands on her hips. “You're not going to leave are you?” I sighed. “Where I come from, most women would be happy I stood up for them.”

“I'm not most women,” she said, proudly.

“Yeah, well good for you,” I said, throwing the paper on the table. I know what she thought of me. She thought I was some misogynist pig, or some asshole from another generation. I've heard it all from women like her and that was a big reason why I tried

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