Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,6

how it is.”

“Why not?” I reasoned. “Better than buying a new car I guess.” It wasn't really about the money. I had some money to spend, but I'd rather not risk getting too friendly with the inhabitants of Monroe if I didn't have to.

“Take a seat,” he said. I jumped in as he hooked my car to the back and before long we were headed downtown.

* * *

The man had his best mechanic looking at my car as he stood around to make sure all was set. He handed me a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it and said “This is just to let you know what we’re fixing on the vehicle. Here's the cost at the bottom. It could be cheaper depending on what's wrong with it. We’ll let you know by the end of the day. You hungry at all? There's a nice café you can wait in if you have nothing to do. It's just at the corner over there on 49th street.”

“I’m sure I'll find something,” I said. I walked outside and pulled out a cigarette. I didn't always smoke, but in this dead-end town, I needed something to pass the time.

I looked over at the café on the corner and lit my cigarette. I took a long, smooth drag. The whisky was wearing off now. I thought, maybe that place has some booze. I took another drag and decided to walk over. Shit, there wasn't anything else to do.

That same familiar bell rang above my head, drawing all attention toward me. Someone needed to rip that thing down.

“You again?” The voice of an annoying bird squawked from the kitchen. I lifted my head up and frowned.

“Me again,” I mumbled.

She gestured to a lone table in the corner. “Take a seat. What'll it be this time? Another four course meal?” She joked. It wasn't funny and I didn't laugh for her sake either.

“Got any booze?” I asked her. “I'm thirsty.”

“No booze. I have some coffee. Or maybe you'd like an iced tea,” she suggested. Fucking small towns. How could this place not have any booze?

“Just give me a coffee then. Black.” She gave me an annoyed look and started toward the coffee maker. “Wait. Add a shot to that.”

“One red eye, coming up.” She announced to the whole restaurant. She pressed one of the buttons on the machine down, waited for the coffee beans to get chopped up, and tamped the espresso. Her cute ass looked as sweet as candy and I couldn’t help but take a gander. She turned and gave me a disapproving look. “What are you looking at?” She asked me.

“Nothing, miss. Just enjoyin’ you making that coffee.” I laughed.

“You’re kind of annoying, aren’t you?” She asked me. I shrugged. I suppose I could be when the time called for it. She grabbed the hot cup of coffee, leaned over and set it on my table for me. Her tits, smooth and perfectly round, hung against the soft fabric of her shirt. I couldn’t help it. It was in my nature to fantasize about every good looking woman that came into view. What I would give to have them stuffed in my face.

“I’m taking my 15 minute, Carmelo!” She suddenly yelled.

A man from the back came out, wiping his hands on a towel. “You just took your 15!” He yelled.

“Well I’m taking it again. You can dock me for tomorrow.” She reasoned.

I got up as well, heading for the door, in front of her. When I got to it, I stopped. “Excuse me. You’re blocking the entrance,” she huffed at me.

“Sorry, didn’t realize it was dire.” I fished in my pocket for another cigarette. I pushed open the door and held it open for her. “Here you go, princess.” I smirked.

“Can you just not? My God, you might be the most annoying person I’ve had to deal with this year.” She walked out and sat down on a bench out front. I reluctantly joined her. Hell, why not. Maybe I could get some pussy out of all of this.

Finally, after some searching, I found my pack of cigarettes. They were smashed under the wad of money I was given for my trip. I fumbled with one of them, pulled it out, and lit up the bent piece of tobacco.

“Gross,” she said.

“What? You don’t like cigarettes? What else don’t you like?” I muttered back, taking a big drag. I blew the smoke out in a big cloud and leaned back against

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