Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,50

federales in Mexico City. I think you telling me you want nothing to do with me is something I can get over.” He chuckled to himself.

“Well. I’m sorry. And if it’s any consolation, I do like you being around. When you leave this town, it’ll be boring again.”

“You have Carmelo, right?” He laughed. “He’s got some stories, I bet.”

“Carmelo? Yeah, right. I know he played soccer in Sicily, but that’s about the wildest thing he’s told me about his life,” I said.

“I’m sure if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find something.” He laughed again. “In any case, I don’t think I’m going back to Detroit.”

“What? You have to, right? Don’t they kill mobsters who try and leave the life?”

“You watch too many movies. I’m the Don’s son. That means something to these people. Plus, I’ve kind of made things weird with my family. My brother is a fuck up and hates my guts. My father is banking on me becoming the next Don. But it’s not what I want. I need some time to lay low, you know? It’s not one-hundred percent yet, but I’m going to propose the idea to my dad. Once this job is finished.”

“You mean once you kill Cade?” I said, feeling a knot in my stomach start to form. Just the mention of his name made me want to vomit.

“I wasn’t going to kill the guy if he paid his debt. But now that I know more, now that he touched Jen, he better pray for his life.”

I tried not to think about it. Cade was evil to Jen and me. He had showed his worst side and forced us to leave the city that we loved and held so dear. It’s not that I wanted him dead. I wanted him to leave us alone. For good. But it didn’t seem like that was going to happen now. It was becoming quite obvious that he was incapable of leaving us alone.

“Where will you go?” I found myself asking. After Lucas had invaded this town, I didn’t want to think of a world without him. It was weird, but I actually enjoyed his company now. Whether that meant we were friends or fuck buddies or nothing at all, I wasn’t sure. But I was going to find out.

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe Phoenix. Somewhere in the middle of the desert. It’s weird, but something like that sounds kind of peaceful to me. Shit, maybe I’ll end up in Seattle.” He winked.

The fireworks went off with a bang and Jen came running back. “Mom?” she asked me, falling into my arms. She was getting so big, it was like holding a bag of a hundred bricks.

“Yes, baby?” I smiled.

“Can we do this forever?”

“Nothing lasts forever. But we can always try,” I said. The fireworks reflected off her dark pupils and she clapped after each short explosion.

“Will Lucas be our friend forever?” she asked. I turned to Lucas who was lying on the grass, smiling to himself. This was the first time he had been to a fireworks show. A grown man in the mafia. He looked like a child who finally gotten what he wanted out of life.

“I hope so, baby. I really do.” I breathed in deep and watched as a myriad of colors broke through the night sky. This was a night to remember, alright.



“That bitch has you brainwashed!” my brother screamed. His cries echoed off the walls.

“Settle the fuck down, Ricky,” I said. “The good news is we’re closer to getting the son of a bitch. I thought you’d all be happy about the news. Instead, I have my brother crawling up my ass. Fuck this.” I lit up a cigar, a Cuban my father had given me. I was ready to go back to Monroe. These weekly visits to the city were proving to be too stressful for me.

My dad, Antonio, just looked at me out of two creased eyes. “Sounds like fantastic news to me,” he said.

Ricky was furious. He bore a black eye and it looked like I might’ve broken his nose during our last encounter. “But father—” He started speaking, but Antonio waved his hand in front of his face as if to say ‘Shut the fuck up.’

“Stop. Just stop, Ricky. I’ve heard enough of your bullshit. So what? He found a girl. Good for him. I’ve been waiting for one of my sons to find a responsible, good woman. Sounds like she’ll be good for the family,” he

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