Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,36

breath. There wasn’t any part of me now that didn’t want him to ravage me, but now was not the time. In fact, I was thinking now that maybe I should just shrug the whole thing off and forget about it. It wasn’t practical and it sure wasn’t safe. I didn’t know this guy, right? Did that even matter?

He whispered “You know, I just feel bad for you. If that little dance were to continue, I would have made you erupt at least three more times.” Ugh! A man who enjoyed eating pussy was rare, especially in this stupid town.

He served the pieces of lasagna onto plates and set them down on the table. “Jen! Time for dinner!” He called out, giving me another one of his winks.

She ran into the kitchen screaming and twirling with energy. “Lasagna!” she screamed.

“Alright, settle down, baby,” I whispered, trying to get a hold on myself. I was still a little flustered by it all.

“Do you like pasta, Jen?” Lucas asked my daughter, taking a big bite from his plate.

“Yes, but Mom never makes it for me.” She shot me a sassy glare. I threw my arms up in protest.

“Not true. I made you macaroni and cheese yesterday. Remember?” I joked. She rolled her eyes at me and took a bite. Red sauce and cheese instantly covered her cheeks.

“Well maybe I can make you pasta more often. How ‘bout that?” he asked her.

“I’m not so sure about that…” I whispered. Sure, it was nice having a man around the house every now and then, but as a regular thing? I wasn’t so sure I wanted that. With the whole Cade thing behind us, it might be better to stick to ourselves for a while. Then again, it was nice having him here for protection. I sure was conflicted.

“That would be great!” She shrieked with joy. Didn’t I have any say in this?

“Well, we’d have to get permission from your mother. You can’t make all the decisions around here,” he said, eyeing me carefully. Okay, so he had some manners too. All of this just made me more annoyed with him.

“We’re pretty busy this week, Jen.” I sighed, knowing this was a losing battle. Still, I had to stand my ground as much as I could.

Jen did something odd just then. She leaned forward against the table and hissed at me. “Mom! We need a man around this house,” she said. And then, looking smug as ever, she turned to Lucas and asked, “Are you going to be my mommy’s new boyfriend?”

My jaw dropped. What the fuck, Jen! My own daughter was manipulating me! Where the hell did she learn how to do that? I was speechless. I held my fork in my hand, staring at the lasagna. “Um.” I coughed lightly.

“I’ll be your mom’s friend. Boyfriends are gross. Ever since I found out that men have cooties, I promised myself I would never be a boyfriend.” He winked at Jen.

“Do you really have cooties? That’s not real.” She curiously looked at me for answers. Thank God for his little diversion.

“Oh, it’s real, alright. If your mom doesn’t want cooties, she better stay away from me.” I couldn’t help but think what cooties he could have given me tonight. I didn’t want it to end. I wanted so much more out of that. Now, I was left aching for him. His cock alone was something to brag about. Images flashed in my mind:

His lips on my navel. His lips kissing my pelvis. His tongue dragging across my skin, down to my pussy. His mouth wrapped around my lips. And I’m coming! Yes, I’m fucking coming! He’s suffocating on me, drowning in my sex. He’s inside me and he’s thrusting as hard as he can. His hands are gripping my hair, my ass, and every bit of flesh.

We’ve crossed a threshold. Now what am I going to do?



“Give me that cunt,” I said. “I’m going to tear you apart.” I pull her close to me and begin to have my way. I’m pumping, giving her everything I’ve got. That is, until I look down and realize the bed is levitating and Dahlia’s face had shifted into my brother’s ex-wife.

“What the fuck?” I screamed, jerking violently.

And then I woke up, drenched in my own sweat and shaking. I looked down to find my cock pushing against the bed sheets. Dahlia. This is what that woman did to me. She made me want to explode. I adjusted my

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