Riding Dirty: Luciotti Crime Family (A Bad Boy Mafia Romance) - Kara Hart Page 0,29

abuse. She did all his drugs and he beat her when things weren’t goin’ well for him. I heard she was talking about splitting and going to the Midwest to get help or something. He probably killed the woman.”

“Well, that’s not much help, but I guess it’s something,” I said. “Let me give you some information about your situation. You owe my family twenty grand. Actually, it’s $21,350. That’s not chump change. That’s a good amount of money. Something tells me this house is brand new. Something also tells me you’re just sitting on some of our product.” I was going to continue, but he decided he would interrupt me.

“Luciotti family, right?” It was like a stroke of genius had finally come into his head. After a year of running from us, he suddenly remembered who we were. It was always a likely story with these assholes. “I don’t get what you’re doing here, man. I paid you in full. Last month, I swear to fuckin’ God!”

“You paid us half. Not full. Listen, you mamaluke. Are you really going to fuck with me right now? I’ll get out my pliers and give you a whole new set of teeth. We can do this all day for all I care. I practically live for this shit.” I reached into my jacket pocket, despite his cries for me to stop, stop, stop.

“Alright, Jesus Christ. I get it. I don’t have your money, but there’s some powder in the cupboard upstairs. Take it,” he said.

“I don’t want your fucking drugs. I want information. Real information. Now tell me where Cade is.” I let go of the pliers in my pocket and went for my gun instead. I let off the safety and cocked it ready. I was done questioning this guy. His arrogance was annoying the hell out of me.

I fired a bullet next to his face and said “Next time I won’t miss.”

“He’s in Detroit!” He screamed suddenly. Finally, some real information.

“There! Was that so hard to do? Where in Detroit?” I placed the warm end of my gun against his cheek and slid the barrel against his teeth. I pushed the piece of heavy metal into his mouth.

With the gun pointing directly at the back of his throat, he mumbled “I don’t know! I really don’t.” I pulled the gun out enough so he could talk. “He moves around every week. One week he was camping out in the old abandoned zoo. The next week he was in the old train station. He doesn’t tell anybody where he’s at anymore. I’m pretty sure he’s losin’ it, man. He paid me to stay quiet.”

“To stay quiet?” I asked, pulling my gun away from his mouth.

“He was my main client. He bought loads of shit from me. After a few years of relyin’ on him to buy the product, I came to expect it. When he fell onto hard times, he started to ask me to front the shit to him. He’d pay me back a week later, when he sold the stuff. So, I agreed. I had to. Otherwise, your family would kill me. Of course, when he got held up the one time, he had no money to pay me. He tried to keep away and wouldn’t answer any of my calls. When I finally found him, I made him pay me double. That’s how I got this place. It’s how I paid half of my debt off. I was gonna pay you back in a month or so. I swear it.”

I scratched my head.

“You still will.” I sighed. “Because if you don’t, you’ll be buried without a certificate to prove your death.”

This whole ordeal was making my life way too difficult. All I wanted was to get back to Monroe and jump into a quiche or two. Or three. Scratch all that. What I really wanted to do was slowly undress Dahlia. I wanted to pump and thrust, and dive in between her legs until she came. I wanted to run my hand across her backside and pull her hair back like she was my pet. I wanted to spread her open with my thick cock as my palm cupped her full tits and ass. I wanted to consume her.

I shook off the feeling and focused on the asshole in front of me. “Where’d he get the money to pay you? I thought you said he got held up. This isn’t adding up, pal.”

He shook his head. “That girl, man.

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