Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,86

and I’ll call the cleanup crew whenever you’re ready. I can’t believe the fucking nerve of this guy,” Baker grouses, kicking the first shooter in the head, tutting in annoyance when he gets blood on his shoe.

“I’ll get you to call them soon, I’m just waiting for—” My words cut off when a pissed off Reid strolls through the stairwell doorway, looking down at the body he’s stepping over, pausing for a minute as he registers who it is before turning to look at me with questions in his eyes.

“What the fuck is going on?” he asks calmly. Too calmly. I can see how angry he is by the way his whole body practically vibrates.

“Take some pictures, then call in the cleanup team. I want this whole place spick-and-span when I return,” I instruct Danny and Baker, before walking over to Reid.

“Let’s take a walk,” I suggest to him quietly.

“We’ll talk in your apartment,” he snaps.

I stand tall and toss my hair behind my shoulder, glad I had taken the few minutes to get rid of my bloody clothes, shower, and throw on jeans with a long-sleeved deep purple Henley. I’d opted for black ballet flats, the whole outfit making me look like a young girl, giving me an innocent vibe, which is the look I’m going for right now in case anyone is watching.

“I don’t take orders from you. Now, let’s take a walk,” I repeat. He grits his teeth, looking at Danny and Baker before back to me.

“Fuck it, fine.” He grabs my hand before tugging me past Cancer’s body, down the stairs, and out into the warm sunny morning air.

He doesn’t say another word as he leads me over to his car, nudging me inside before reaching over and strapping me in. I look up at him, surprised, but he just glares, letting me know there will be no talking just yet.

He drives us to the huge local park, which is a relief as I was thinking he might insist on taking me back to his place. With emotions running high right now, somewhere public is the safer option.

He parks and practically drags me out, gripping my hand tightly as if I might disappear if he lets go even for a second.

The central part of the park is bustling with families taking full advantage of the sunshine. Children play on the swings while their parents talk among themselves from the benches outlining the play area. Their gaze drifts up occasionally to keep a watchful eye on their charges, making sure they are safe and where they are supposed to be.

Reid leads us down the jogging path that loops the play area in a wide arc, disappearing into the shaded wooded area. Once we are far enough away from prying eyes, he spins me to face him, scanning my body, taking me in, inch by inch.

“I’m okay, Reid, I promise,” I reassure him, but he doesn’t answer, just grinds his teeth together.

“Are you planning on killing me and dumping my body, Reid?” I ask half teasing, half serious.

“Do you have any idea how worried I was? I didn’t know if I would find you dead or alive!” he roars, not liking my joke one little bit.

“Look at me, Reid, really look at me. I’m here, I’m okay. I don’t have a single mark on me.”

“Someone tried to kill you.” He seethes, pausing only when I shake my head with sad eyes.

“No, Reid, someone tried to kill you,” I whisper, making him freeze solid, his hand grabbing hold of my hip, anchoring me to him.

“What?” he asks, wanting me to be wrong.

“Do you trust me, Reid?” I ask softly, tipping my head up to look in his eyes.

He grits his teeth, his jaw clenched so hard, I’m surprised it doesn’t crack.

He doesn’t answer me with words. He dips his head and slants his mouth over mine, his tongue seeking entrance, so I let him in. He presses me against the tree and kisses me with everything he has, using his body to tell me all the things he can’t say out loud.

I break the kiss, needing him to hear what I have to say, no matter what it will do to the fragile state of our relationship.

“Zodiac sent them,” I warn him.

He shakes his head, but he doesn’t shout his denial like I thought he might. Instead, he rests his forehead against mine. “You sure?” he asks, making me tense, not because I think he doesn’t believe me, but

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