Ricochet - Candice M. Wright Page 0,122

eventually. After he’s thrown a few punches. Now let’s get you home.”

I nod, speechless, as Jude hits the descend button because what else can I do? Kai would have every right to be pissed even if they did pass me between them for a year. I still should have talked to him first.

When the doors slide open, I realize I’ve lost Kai’s gun again. Jesus Christ.

“Erm…I appear to be missing a gun again.” I chew my lip, making him laugh.

He pulls it from behind him and offers it to me.

“I took it. I didn’t want you shooting my dick off before I could explain.” He reaches to lift me, but I can see his car through the glass doors, so it’s not too far for me to walk.

“I’m okay Jude, promise. I can walk. Besides, if anyone is watching, I don’t want to look weak,” I admit.

He sighs but nods. “Fine, come on. Kai will be losing his mind.”

He grabs my free hand and tugs me toward the door, holding it open for me to pass through.

It’s starting to get light now. I spot a couple of people on the street and a few cars milling about. Jude closes the door and steps beside me as the couple approaching get closer. One of them calls out, “Hey, Jude, your father says hey.”

As soon as he says the word father, my body reacts before my mind does. I step in front of Jude and fire at the same time they do. But I don’t stop until they’re down, shooting round after round into them.

“Fucking hell, Cherry, the one time I’m unarmed. Turn your gun and your badge in,” he mocks, imitating what his captain must have said to him, but his voice sounds far away.

“Cherry?” I turn at the sound of his voice, or I try to, but my legs give out, and I fall.

“No, fuck no.” Jude catches me before I hit the pavement, lowering me down gently as he checks me over.

“Oh, Jesus, hold on, Cherry.” He pulls out his phone and starts yelling, but I can’t make out the words, so I focus on the streetlamp above me that blinks on and off.

“Stay with me, sweetheart, an ambulance is on its way.” His face is so pale, and I can see tears in his eyes. I don’t like that.

“Shh, it’s okay.” I try to soothe him, but that just makes him suck in a sharp breath.

“Five minutes, Cherry, just five more minutes. You can do that. You’re the strongest person I know.”

“I’m so c... cold,” I admit, my eyes feeling heavy and it’s getting harder and harder to breathe.

“I promise, if you hold on, I’ll take you home and you can snuggle up between Kai and me okay? We’ll keep you warm, just please, hold the fuck on!” He’s crying now, I can feel his tears dripping on my face.

“I have loved you since the first time I saw you, Diablo, did you know that?” I whisper, hearing the sirens in the distance.

“Yeah, baby, I always knew,” he whispers back when a thought occurs to me.

“It’s my birthday today. A year since you gave me my first kiss.” I smile sadly.

“Stay with me, Cherry, and I’ll mark every birthday with one.”

“Kiss me,” I whisper, feeling my tears track down the side of my face. I was so close, so close to having it all.

He leans over and presses his lips to mine as everything fades away.

It seems fitting that I gave him my first kiss and my last.

Chapter Forty

“I did this. This is my fault.” I hear an anguish-filled voice.

“Yeah, you did. I’d kill you where you sit if I didn’t think it would hurt her when she woke up,” a second voice says.

When who wakes up?

“That’s enough. If you guys want to have a pissing contest then, by all means, have at it, but fuck off outside before I rip off those dicks you seem so intent on measuring.”

All these voices seem so familiar, but I can’t put my finger on who they are.

I try to open my eyes, but my body flat out refuses to listen. I panic then, wondering what’s wrong with me. I hear loud beeping and people yelling, but nothing is as loud as the roaring in my head. I feel a sharp prick in my arm before a soothing coolness washes over me, and I feel nothing once again.

“You need some sleep, Grim, I swear when she wakes up, I’ll call you.”

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