Rich Prick – Tijan Page 0,84

have more power as an adult now than I ever felt I had, so I’m not going to try to be your parent. Not now. I messed that up by staying with him for so long.”

I knew tears were still sliding down her face. But she sounded strong. She sounded resigned.

I’d never heard my mother sound like that.

After a moment, she shifted gears. “Taz said you have a girlfriend?”

My eyes opened, and I looked down. I’d been holding a pair of socks. Snorting, I tossed them aside and rifled through the bag. What the hell had I even thrown in here?

“What’s her name?”

None of your business.

What the hell else did I need?

“Where’d you meet her?”

I dropped the bag and turned around. “I’m not talking about her.”

“Okay. Yeah.” She tried to smile, but those tears.

I hated when she cried. Cursing, I hauled my mom into my arms.

She sniffled, tensing, but I cradled the back of her head, and that was enough. She dissolved in my arms.

I didn’t know if that was right or not. It was what it was.

I waited until she had stopped crying. Zeke would be here by now. I pulled back and smiled down at her. “Cheer up, Mom. You got a pain-in-the-ass son who will someday not be such a pain in the ass.”

She laughed, flicking the last of her tears away.

“And it seems you have a good guy upstairs.” I bent down, resting my forehead to hers. “I will try to not be such a dick.”

Pulling away, I studied her.

“You like Taz, huh?”

She smiled, bobbing her head. “I do. She’s a good girl, just lonely. I can understand that.”

A bit of my wall crumbled. I didn’t like thinking of my mom as lonely.

“I think counseling will be good for you, Mom.”

Her eyes turned sad, and she eased back a step. She cupped the side of my face. “You’re such a handsome boy. I got lucky having you. Real lucky. Despite the things you say, you’ve always taken care of me when I needed it.”

I batted away her hand. “Okay. Sentimental shit is my cue to leave.”

She reached up and held the sides of my face. “Let me say this. I know you are hurting. I know I can’t help you with that, but I also know you persevere. That’s your trait. You’re always strong, and you always get through whatever it is you’re dealing with. And I can’t take credit for that. That’s you. That’s all you, and I want you to be proud of that.”

Her eyes flicked to the ceiling and back to mine. “As for them, and the changes in our lives, it’ll all work out. I just want you to keep working on you. And whoever this girl is, I can tell she’s good for you. I’ve always seen fragments of the man you’ll become, and lately, I’ve been seeing more and more of them. You will become a man I’m proud of, and I know this because you’re already a son I’m so proud of.” She hugged me tightly. “So proud of you.”

I let her hug me.

“Mom, I can’t be a dick with you being a Pinterest hologram and saying all this cheesy shit.” But I grinned as I straightened a strand of her hair.

I loved my mom.

I might be a massive dick, but everything she’d said was right.

I pressed a kiss to her forehead and whispered, “Love you.”

Zeke was standing in the hallway just inside the back door when I came up from the basement.

His face lit up when he saw me. “Bruh!”

“Let’s head.”

His face faltered. “Dude. Brunch?”

“I’ll pay.”

“Dude.” He grinned again, and we left.

I tried to tell myself I wasn’t being a pansy when I pulled my phone out later and texted Taz.

Me: Congrats on your graduation tomorrow. I’ll come to your party if you want me there.



Nate kept trying to talk me into letting him rent a camper. He was allergic to tents, he’d explained, but not campers. He loved campers. The whole time was like that. Nate making a joke. Me laughing. Then we’d descend into silence with awkward looks.

I didn’t know my brother. Not really.

I knew this, but knowing it and experiencing it were two different things.

It was sad, to be honest. I wished I knew him. I wished I knew him how I knew Owen.

I sighed at one point. “I miss Owen.”

Nate had been on his phone, but he looked up and without a word said, he put it away. He leaned back. “I wished I Copyright 2016 - 2024