Rich Prick – Tijan Page 0,38

had started her hippie new lifestyle. My dad enjoyed his cigars more, and they’d changed their work focus. Instead of producing, they were directing more, which I knew they enjoyed.

Having Nate as part of the family had become a big thing for my mom.

She wanted him back in the fold, and she was trying. She and my dad were both trying, and I think things were better, but this was my older brother. He seemed to enjoy life away from us, and who could blame him?


It was all good.

I was happy my mom was happy, and I could hear in her voice that she was.

She said Nate had asked about me. “And of course I told him how great you’re doing in school—4.2 GPA, highest honors, and you’re never in trouble. Oh, and I told him how you’re still enjoying your little camping trips.” She sighed into the phone. “Oh, honey. He looks really good. He seems happy.”

That’s all my mom wanted.

“I’m glad for that, Mom,” I told her, keeping the tears out of my voice.

“You’re such a sweetheart. How’d I luck out getting you as my daughter?”

Then she needed to go because a producer was calling her, so we hung up.

The camping trip didn’t seem as much fun after that.

I texted Blaise, but he didn’t respond.

I didn’t expect him to. He’d said he’d be partying at Zeke’s for most the night, so when it got to be around midnight, I got ready for bed and crawled in.

Ten minutes later I snagged his shirt and put it on.



Aspen was hiding this week.

I knew that’s what she was doing, because I was doing the same—except from my family. I didn’t know why she was hiding, but I would find out. I was waiting for the right time to push for some answers, ’cause I’d gotten to know her a bit. The chick was a steel trap when it came to her family. I, on the other hand, needed to learn how to shut my mouth, so I was practicing.

My friends and I were at Manny’s this afternoon, a popular hangout pub/diner place. The owners were cool, and as long as we didn’t get into fights and kept ordering food, they let us chill here. The back room had pool tables and other games, but it was currently filled with Roussou kids, so our group took over the front section.

This was day three of partying.

Monday had been at Zeke’s. Tuesday, we went cliff diving. Not everyone dove, but I loved that shit. That’s mostly all I did, and I was almost thankful Aspen turned me down when I asked her to go. I was able to dive to my heart’s content and not worry about her being worried for me.

Now it was Wednesday, and it was turning into a full day at Manny’s. Kids from Fallen Crest Public were here too, but I didn’t pay attention to them. I had my boys, and I was holding true to my promise to Aspen. Until I knew what she and I were doing, my hands would stick to her and her alone. I was counting down the hours until I could head over to see her. I hadn’t been there since Sunday, and Sunday night to Wednesday is a long fucking time.

I was jonesing for some Aspen time.

I was also jonesing to leave Manny’s since the Roussou kids were getting rowdy. I saw two of my brother’s friends across the room, so I knew it was a matter of time before Cross and Bren showed up.

“Yo.” Zeke held up his hand, waiting for my fist to pound it before he slipped into the seat next to me.

I’d been nursing a mixed drink for the last hour—not that it was a mixed drink when I’d ordered it, but it became mixed at the table.

“What’s up?” I asked.

Zeke had been cool all week, but I knew he was curious about the Wagon chick. That’s what he was calling Aspen. I was prepared for that line of questioning when he threw me for a loop.

“Is your sister still good with that boyfriend of hers?”



“The fuck is that your business?”

I might’ve said that a bit more harshly than needed, and Zeke knew it. His knowing grin turned smug, and he nodded toward the parking lot.

“She’s coming up with her friends, and she’s solo. Your sister is hot. She’s going to get noticed.”

I was perplexed, but that was all he said. He slid back into his seat, but then Copyright 2016 - 2024