Rich Prick – Tijan Page 0,112

point again.

The bigger group of girls was breaking up, but Jade rounded the four of us back together.

She tightened her hold on her backpack straps and leaned in. “Okay. Here’s the deal. This is not my first rodeo. I’m sure it’s not yours either, and my brother’s warned me about these parties. They can get rowdy and crazy, and we can’t be dumb bitches. That’s why I brought our drinks with us. This isn’t always going to happen. I heard they usually charge, and you have to buy a cup, but whatever. We’re in the door, so if someone starts being an asshole, just go ask for an empty cup. Say your friend is a moron, and her beer is going to spill, and you want to save the beer. They’ll give it to you. So, can we figure out the rules, and yes, we should’ve had this meeting before we left, but we didn’t.”

“Rules?” Angeline looked ready to faint. “What do you mean rules?”

“Rules for us. Like, we never leave someone behind. We keep an eye on our buddy. Like that. What do you think?”

“I like those rules.” Veronica bobbed her head. “Let’s go.”

“No.” Jade caught her hand, wheeling her back. She glared at her. “I’m asking what the rules are.”

Veronica frowned. “My personal rule is to find a guy, climb on him, and stay there all night. If he becomes my boyfriend, that’s cool. If he’s my tree stump for a night, I’m okay with that too.”

Angeline started giggling. Again.

Jade gave her a dark look. “Seriously?”

“Yeah. I don’t get roofied. I don’t drink shit other guys give me, and I’m a black belt in karate. Guys here aren’t scared of me yet. I gotta strike while the iron is hot, because they’ll learn real fast. You know what I’m saying?” She held her hand out. “Give me one of the bottles, and I’m good for the night. I’ll see all you bitches at home.”

Jade glowered, but pulled out the bottles. Veronica took the whiskey. I was kinda envious, looking at Veronica in a whole new light. I think my appreciation morphed into a girl crush. She marched off, her head high and her shoulders rolled back. The confidence alone was inspiring.

Angeline continued giggling.

Jade met my gaze. “We’re on babysitting duty, I think.”

I opened my mouth. Should I say anything?

Then a pair of arms wrapped around me. I started to scream as I was lifted off my feet, but then I heard the voice boom (we had another boomer) and instantly relaxed.


It was Zeke.

And the butterflies took steroids, along with the knots, because I knew who else I was about to see.

Zeke lowered me, and I turned.

He wrapped his arms around me again, and I got a good hug instead. “Man. Hey. I was with your fan club last night. Shit got weird. Did Blaise tell you?”

“I—” choked. I choked. He doesn’t know?

Jade and Angeline watched me intently.

“Hi, Zeke.” I tried not to look, but I couldn’t help myself.

Zeke chuckled, throwing his arm around my shoulders. He turned to my friends. “Hey. I’m Zeke. Who are you hot things?”

Jade’s mouth snapped shut and she beamed, raising her chin in a flirty way. “Hi. I’m Aspen’s roommate, Jade.”

“Jade. Hmmm. I likey.” He looked at Angeline. “Who are you?”

Angeline flushed all over and gripped her wine cooler with both hands. She used both hands to take a drink from it too. Then when she was done, she giggled.

Jade shook her head. “That’s Angeline. She’s one of our floormates. Her roommate is around here too.”

“Floormates.” Zeke clasped me tighter. “That’s right. You’re doing the dorm thing. Have you checked out Blaise’s apartment yet? It’s almost right next to the soccer complex. Our boy’s got it going this year.”

“What are you—” Jade’s eyes bounced from Zeke to me. “How do you know Aspen, and where are you staying?”

His grin turned proud. “We went to the same school, and I just got clearance. I’m here, like, here here. I’m rushing. My pops was a legacy, so they just moved me right in already.”

Angeline’s eyes got wider as Zeke spoke. Then she looked at me. “So cool,” she said, just before she drank the rest of her drink.

Jade had another ready to go before she could resort back to her default setting. Her laughter had been funny at first, then endearing. Now it was getting annoying.

Zeke grinned. “She’s funny. She could be a drinking game. Everyone Copyright 2016 - 2024