The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,95

one expects you to change to fit in. But I watched one of the smartest and strongest women I ever met get chewed up and spat out by just these sort of people. She moved to Scotland and he married a failed actress. The perfect trophy wife. It took Tori years to pull herself back together again.” Mom sighs. “I don’t want that to happen to you.”

“Mom, be reasonable. I’m sorry things didn’t work out for your friend, but I can’t make choices based on someone else’s life. For every possible situation there’s going to be a sad story. An example of how it all came crashing down and ended in ruins,” I say. “But Beck and I can only be ourselves and do what’s right for us. And I need you to respect that.”

Nothing from Mom.

“And as for your concerns about us working together…I’ve been flailing since I graduated, I know that. You and Dad knew that you wanted to go into teaching and that’s great. But it’s okay if I don’t know exactly what I’m going to do for the rest of my life. I just have to make a start somewhere and that’s what I’m doing here and Beck is a big part of that. He woke me up. He made me want more for myself.”

She reaches across the table and pats my hand. “Okay, honey. My girl…you’re just so young.”

“You and Dad have been together since like two minutes after birth so…”

“Not quite that long.” She gives me a dour smile. “I’m flying home tomorrow; I need to get back to work and your father. In the meantime, I’m going to attempt to be nicer to your Beck.”

“I would appreciate that.”

“But be careful. Please.”

“I will.”

“Your father and I are always going to be there for you,” she says, looking me dead in the eye. “Do you hear me, Alice?”

My eyes are misting up. Fuck it. “Yes, Mom. Thank you.”


“That’s a sucky story.” Beck keeps drawing patterns on my back, the other hand tucked beneath his head as he stares at the ceiling. He’s particularly handsome when he broods. “No wonder your mom proved so resistant to my charms and devilish good looks.”

“To watch a friend go through that kind of thing,” I say, mood equally somber. “She made it sound like class warfare. I guess that’s how your grandmother feels about me. The commoner sullying her marble hallways. Bringing down the brilliance of her lineage and defiling her legacy and so on.”

“I shall be your shield, beloved. Rest assured.”

“That’s sweet of you, but it’s not really how it works. I mean, either I can handle the shit that comes my way or…”

“That sounds dire.”

“No,” I say. “Just matter-of-fact. I don’t think any relationship worth having is always going to be easy. We’re two different people with our own thoughts and feelings. The fact that we also come from two very different worlds just adds to the challenge.”

“I can see your point. You do know you come first with me, though, right?” he asks, sounding concerned. “You’re not doing this on your own.”

“I know you’ve got my back.” I smile. “And I’ve got yours. But this fancy-pants lifestyle of yours has some unique pressures and pitfalls. As Penny once said, there’s a lot of competition for my position.”

“They can all fuck off,” he states matter-of-factly. “I’m not interested in anyone but you.”

“Thank you. But you’re often busy with work and I need to be able to stand on my own two feet here.”

He studies me for a moment. “Alice, am I not home enough? Things have been busy since I got back and I’m hopeful that’s going to calm down soon. But in the meantime, are you getting what you need from me attention wise? Because if not, we need to change that.”

“I know things are especially busy for you right now. And I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, Beck.”

“Okay. Tell me if that changes.”

“I will. Oh, by the way,” I say, “I hear you have a place in the Hollywood Hills. And London, New York, Oslo…all sorts of interesting places. Including the street your grandmother lives on.

His gaze is quizzical. “Let me guess, Selah?”

“Yes indeedy.”

“The Green Way mansion is going on the market.” He sighs. “Tomorrow.”

“Is it the best time to sell?”

“I don’t care. If it’s upset a single hair on your pretty head, then I want it gone.”

“My pretty little head is tougher than you think. Selling can wait until you’re ready. It’s just that you Copyright 2016 - 2024