The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,93

use, and I’m also the director of philanthropy for Beck’s company. It’s a new endeavor he’s taking on that I’ll be heading up. When we travel, I can work on my laptop.”

Beck raises a brow. So I hadn’t told him about accepting the job. Oops.

“You’re giving her a job?” asks mom.

“She earned it,” corrects Beck. “Alice represented my family’s company at a charity luncheon recently and navigated what could have possibly been a very difficult situation with great skill. She’s good with people and they in turn enjoy talking to her. You should be proud of your daughter.”

“Of course I am. But is it wise to work together?”

I shrug. “I don’t see why not. Beck usually works at his offices at the Heritage or out on site and I’ll be working from home. If we travel, I can work from wherever we are on my laptop.”

“Surely you want to stand on your own two feet, Alice.”

“In this economy?” I raise my brows. “I tried that already, Mom, it involved serving beer to jerks and being hit on.”

“But you didn’t try very hard. You could have moved back home and taken a serious look at internships—”

“You’re right, I could have. I got discouraged and gave up.” It’s the truth. “That’s on me. But now these wonderful opportunities have come my way and I’d be a fool not to take them.”

“What if it doesn’t work out between you two?”

“Then I return to LA and start over. With a better-looking résumé than when I left.” I reach for a Shrimp Tempura Roll with my chopsticks.

Mom makes a noise. “Have a Tuna Roll, honey.”

“I prefer these.” Instead of just one I take two of the Shrimp Tempura Rolls. I’m mature like that.

Beck stares at his plate, one clenched fist resting on the table. Some bad vibes going on there. I don’t think Mom’s question about it not working out went down very well with him.

When Mom’s frown fails to move me, she moves on to another topic. “Amy found a lot of photographs and nonsense written about you on the internet.”

“Tell her to ignore it. I do.”

“She’s concerned.”

“She has a baby and my brother to worry about. I’m sure my sister-in-law will get over it.” I take a sip of beer. “How are your classes this year?”

“Oh, fine.” Mom waves the question away. “Your typical teenage students. I can’t wait to retire and be done with it all.”

“I thought you loved teaching.”

“I did. I do. I’m just getting old.” She gives me a smile. Tired and resigned. But quite possibly the first genuine one since she arrived.

And I’d tell her about Henry. About how much fun it can be having him around. About what a pain in the ass he can be sometimes. Only she’d probably take it the wrong way somehow. See it as yet another reason for me to abandon ship and run home. A soft and fluffy thing winds around my legs. Leaning back in my chair, I watch Princess rub herself up against me. When she spies me watching, she hisses and dashes back to beneath the nearest couch. As you do.

“Did you see that?” I ask Beck.

He blinks. “What?”

“Princess deigned to acknowledge I exist.”

“Oh, no. What a beautiful moment and I missed it.” He grins. “Next time.”

“Next time.”

Mom just watches us with a faint frown. “Are you sure the animal is safe?”

“Yes,” says Beck, back to his blank expression.

This has to be the most awkward fucking meal ever. Mom was always wary of boys who came sniffing around her daughter. Thinking they could only be after one thing (vaginal access). But by the time the male in question has flown you to Denver, bought a house for you to both live in, introduced you to his family, bought you a wardrobe and a car, and offered you a job…you can probably safely assume that his intentions are earnest. Especially given he has yet to put the moves on said vagina. Not that I’m going to share that particular bit of information with my mother. Our sex life, or lack thereof, can stay our business.

“Why don’t we have Christmas here?” I ask, looking around the room. “We could get a big tree, invite everyone over.”

“You’re not coming home for Christmas?” Mom is aghast. Awesome.

“Would we both be welcome?” I ask.

Her mouth gapes. Answer enough.

“It’s our first Christmas together in our new home,” I say. “We haven’t decided how we want to spend it yet.”

Beck bushes his fingers over my hand. Copyright 2016 - 2024