The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,70

Not a fucking thing. It was eye-opening, I’ll tell you that.”

Ethan’s jaw does the rigid thing. “Are you saying we don’t work?”

“No, I know you’re not the types to just sit on your trust fund with your thumbs up your asses. Jack didn’t raise you that way. Ambition and competition might as well be the family motto,” says Matías. “But you do start out ahead of everyone else and you fail to fully appreciate what you’re given. You all take it for granted.”

“I’m sorry I’m an entitled asshole,” Beck whispers in my ear. “But that dress is shit hot, beloved.”

I smile. “I should hope so. It cost you two-and-a-half grand.”

“Worth every cent.”

“I thought you said this was friends getting together to chat, relax, and have a few drinks.”

“Yeah…” Beck rests his head against my shoulder, bringing his glass to his lips. Interesting how his circle of friends are either family or people he works with. Guess finding people with no agenda is tricky. People who won’t treat you like an ATM or expect help via some other means. “Did I forget to mention the mostly friendly debate that’s often involved?”

“Just a little bit, maybe?” And we both laugh, because for some reason it’s funny. Or maybe it’s just the alcohol making us loose. God, it feels good to relax.

“Look at these two sitting in the corner laughing at their own jokes,” says Ethan.

Beck just shrugs. “We can’t help it if we’re funny.”

“What do you think about the fiscal situation affecting relationships, Penny?” asks Ethan.

The woman narrows her eyes on him, obviously thinking deep thoughts. “Matías has a point. You don’t know what it’s like not to have money, to be struggling to pay the rent and keep the lights on, because that’s not your lived experience. It doesn’t necessarily make you bad people, it’s just a fact.”

Ethan raises his brows. “I can’t believe I’m having my humanity debated due to my bank balance.”

“Not your humanity, just your level of entitlement,” she replies. “Whether your trust funds balance out the pressure of great expectations put on you by your family and the publicity and need for personal security…I don’t know.”

“I would like to mention, we just broke ground on a new hospital ward because of the money you’re shitting on,” says Ethan.

“Should I add saint to the start of your name?” asks Penny. The way she takes no shit is a constant inspiration.

There’s a smile in Ethan’s eyes that is not reflected on his lips. “If you like.”

“Everyone’s got family drama,” I say. “Just because you have money doesn’t mean you don’t have problems. They’re just different from those of others.”

Matías raises his glass in a toast. “To these two rich bastards and their beautiful sister who is slowly draining me of my will to live.”

“I’m not even going near that,” mumbles Beck, drinking just the same.

“You lived without the money for a while.” Ethan nods at his brother. “How’d that go? Manage to erase the stain of wealth from your soul?”

“I didn’t leave empty-handed. I’m not that brave. No way did I want to go hungry or wind up sleeping on the streets.” Beck gives a lopsided smile. “Stayed in some pretty fucking crummy places and worked some shitty jobs. Construction, food service, nightclub security, you name it. Even stood on a street corner wearing one of those stupid signs advertising cell phones for sale.”

Ethan snorts.

“What did all of this teach you?” asks Penny.

“Well, it confirmed my own privilege,” reports Beck. “The freedom was nice and that was a big part of me wanting to leave. Along with proving to myself that I could manage without, at least to a degree. You certainly see a different side of the country away from the five-star hotels and private jets. Meet different kinds of people with different priorities and experiences.”

“Hmm,” is all Penny has to say.

Matías takes a sip of whiskey. “It widened your world, huh?”

“That it did,” says Beck. “Also showed me who I am away from the Elliot name blah blah blah.”

“And who are you?” I ask.

He grins. “I’m yours.”

I laugh. Public displays of affection still make me uncomfortable sometimes, apparently.

A stunning redheaded woman with pink skin and freckles and Aaron the manager from the Heritage join our table. The woman greets Penny with a kiss on the mouth. Aaron raises a hand in greeting to everyone in general.

“Alice, this is my girlfriend, River,” says Penny, moving over to make room her. “Babe, this is Alice.”

I smile. “Nice to meet Copyright 2016 - 2024