The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,5

the sand. And his bare feet are every bit as attractive and interesting as the rest of him. Toes have never particularly titillated me before, yet here we are.

“Never really spent much time at the beach,” he says. “More used to the mountains.”

“There’re no sharks in the mountains.” A random but relevant comment. Shark week made an impression on me. “So it’s probably safer.”

“Yeah.” He scratches at the dark stubble on his chin. “It does have that going for it. Though they do have Bigfoot up in the hills.”

“But does he actually attack people or is he more of a hairy introvert who just wants to be left alone?”

“The latter, I think.”

“Can’t believe you rock climb. Isn’t that hard?”

“Well, it’s not always easy.”

“You use safety harnesses and wear a helmet, right?”

He winces. “Ah, not so much.”

“You free climb?” I tear myself free of his grip and turn on him. “Beck, that’s dangerous. People die doing that.”

“But it’s cool, right?”

“Are you doing it because you think it’s cool?”

He shakes his head. “No. It’s for the challenge. Me against the mountain. See, there’s not just the physical aspect, but there’s the mental fortitude required as well. It’s an amazing experience.”

“I don’t even know why you bother flirting with me,” I say. “I think staying up past my bedtime to finish a book is a perilous and exciting adventure.”

“Climbing is a calculated risk and I am as careful as can be. Promise not to make you a widow anytime soon, if that helps.”

“Thanks. I think you’re very brave.”

He just smiles.

Meanwhile, my frown is intense. I can feel it. While this has been fun, it makes no sense whatsoever. Insecurity is a bitch, but it’s not always without cause. “You know, at first I thought you were just talking to me because Rob dared you or something.”

“You did? Why would you think that?” He frowns back at me.

I just shrug. No need to delve into my various complexes and issues right here and now. Or ever, for that matter.

“Let me state unequivocally for the record,” he says. “I’m not here to hurt your feelings or lead you on, okay?”


He motions me closer with his hand. “Now you say it back to me.”

“Ah, I’m not going to hurt your feelings or lead you on.”

“Thank you,” and he says it so sincerely. Guess I’m not the only one who’s been screwed over in the past. “Now what do you think about our future prospects, wife?”

“I still think we’re complete opposites.”

“So according to your comments over dinner, we will therefore have much to discuss for the rest of our lives.” He steps closer. Moonlight and shadows make him even more handsome. A little dangerous and a lot mysterious. The breeze tousles his hair and he stares back at me, calm as can be. He keeps his emotions well contained. I can’t read him at all. Though the comedy seems like a type of protection, a sleight of hand to hide his real feelings. I can’t talk; sarcasm and wit are my crutches of choice.

“I didn’t think you were paying attention,” I say.

“Of course I was.” He takes another step closer. Our chests are almost touching now and his gaze never leaves my face. The heat of his body is intense, the pull of him extreme. Like he’s this giant magnet I want to fall into and crash against. Stupid of me not to take him home tonight and get naked, preferably with no lights on. A real lost opportunity. How often does someone of Beck’s caliber come along? Answer: next to never. “According to the rules of taking it slow, Alice, I’m not allowed to kiss you yet. Which is damn hard when you’re looking at me that way.”

“There are rules?”

“You don’t know them? To be exact, I’m quoting article five subsection seven.”

“That one, huh?”

“That’s right. No kissing on the first date. And definitely no head.”

A laugh stutters out of me. “Oh. What a shame.”

“It is. But we can hug it out and discreetly feel each other up over our clothing,” he says, his voice low and hypnotic. “If you like.”

“Actually, that sounds quite nice.”

“I was hoping you’d feel that way. All right, then.” He holds his arms open. “I’m ready.”

We’re so close I barely need to move to be in his embrace. My arms go around his waist and my cheek rests against his pec. Arms wrap around me, holding me tight. He smells amazing, warm man flesh with the faint hint of sweat and the Copyright 2016 - 2024