The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,47

is part of that.”

“Yes, he is,” I say, because duh.

She looks over her shoulder to the table behind us where Selah is seated. The look Rachel’s assistant gives us is somewhere between dislike and distrust. Fair enough. Next her gaze goes to the talkative investment specialist on the other side of Beck. The one taking up all of his attention. She’s apparently no happier at this woman than she is with us. Interesting.

“Lots of competition for your position, Alice,” says Penny. “I wish you the best of luck.”

Instead of answering, I take a sip of my drink. Honest to God, I should win some sort of shutting-up award tonight. However, it’s better to say nothing than to stick my foot in it.

“Everything okay?” asks Beck, sliding his hand up to the nape of my neck.

“Everything is fine.”

“Can I get you another drink?”

“No.” I need my wits about me with this crowd. Loose lips sink ships and all that. “Thank you.”

Waiters collect the dinner plates, replacing them with dessert. A dark chocolate ganache with raspberry pulp on the side. If anything, it’s a little too rich. Much like everyone present. Or maybe I’m just poor and judgey despite my new bling.

Up on the stage, a woman welcomes everyone and thanks them for their donations before introducing Beck’s brother. Ethan rises from his seat and makes his way to the microphone to great applause. A picture of their recently deceased father appears on the big screen behind him. There’s no mistaking the family resemblance. Jack is just an older, more lean and lined version of his sons. Like Catherine and Ethan his eyes are ice blue, his gaze dignified and hard.

“If I said my father was a saint I’d be lying,” begins Ethan.

Startled laughter echoes through the room.

Catherine does not look amused. Then again, she rarely does.

“In fact, he’d probably haunt me for ruining his reputation,” Ethan continues. “Jack Elliot was a hardworking man who dedicated his life to expanding the empire his father had begun. His commitment and focus to this task were absolute, as any of you who knew him can attest. Family loyalty was everything to my father. That his children would grow to understand and appreciate the devotion and sacrifices it takes to be an Elliot, and to be a part of this community, and to go on to contribute in their own way. That was his ultimate goal and vision, and it’s what has brought us all here tonight. It’s my honor to announce that a new wing will be built in remembrance of my father and his commitment to this great city and its people.”

Applause fills the ballroom.

Ethan shakes the presenter’s hand along with several others. People from the hospital or city officials, perhaps. I don’t even want to imagine how much money a hospital wing would cost. But it’s nice to see them doing something with the money besides buying another mansion. Amazing to think they can just make the decision to save lives and impact so many. It’s hard to process what it would be like to have that much power.

Music starts up and the presentation is over. Catherine nods graciously to words of praise from those nearby. It takes Ethan a while to return to the table due to all of the back slapping and handshaking going on.

“Penny, good to see you,” says Beck, resting his arm on the back of my chair. Looking as devastating as ever in his tux. “I was hoping to get your opinion on the Amari contract. My brother’s keen, but I have some concerns.”

They start to talk and I tune out, listening to the chamber orchestra. When Beck, Penny, and Ethan start discussing something about derivatives versus equities I decide it’s time for a break.

Even the bathrooms are fancy with gray marble floors, walls, and bench tops. While I’m washing my hands, a woman around my own age introduces herself and asks me what school I went to. She seems somewhat perplexed when I tell her my local. Still, it’s nice to get away for a while and stretch my legs. Less so to be met by the lady investment specialist from the table on my way back out. Her smile is all sharp teeth. Guess we’re not going to be friends.

“You’re Alice,” she says like this is news.

I nod and try to edge around her, but she moves to block my escape. “You should know there’s at least six women here tonight that your boyfriend’s fucked. Copyright 2016 - 2024