The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,33


His gaze runs over my face. Still hesitating for some damn reason. For all that he talks a good talk, there’s doubt in him since he’s been back in Denver. And while I’m used to it from me, I’m definitely not from him.

“Beck, kiss me, grab me…do what you want.”

And there’s a flash of a lusty grin before he’s on me. His hands cupping my face, fingers sliding into my hair. And his mouth…Good God, does the man know how to use his mouth. Warm lips and skilled tongue and he takes as much as he gives. The soft gentle kiss before was a lie. This is the real Beck. Full of heat and emotion. Whoever or whatever taught him to hold back, to rein himself in, needs a good kick in the pants. Because when he kisses me like this, he makes my head spin and my body ache. His teeth nip at my bottom lip before sucking away the sweet pain. Then he’s feeding me deep wet kisses that I just might die if I have to go without. Melodramatic, but true.

When he pulls back, we’re both breathing heavily. His thumb carefully swipes the side of my mouth. “I’m afraid I messed up your makeup and fancy hairdo.”

“You’re wearing a little lip gloss yourself.”

“If I haven’t said it yet today, I’m glad you’re here.”

“Me too.”

“Isn’t this better than staying at Grandma’s house and getting busted by Winston like a pair of horny teenagers?”

“It sure is. Though there’s still a serious moral quandary to be discussed. What do the dating rules say to do when there’s only one bed?” I ask with my best attempt at a coy smile. It’s probably not very good. I’m more of a lusty beast when it comes to this man. What can I say? He makes me ache. I rest a hand on his chest, feeling for his heartbeat. Hard and steady. A lot has changed since LA, but the chemistry between me and him is alive and well. The growing bond between us.

“And there’s not a single other room available in the hotel or indeed the whole city,” he reports. “I already checked.”

“Gosh darn it.”

He clicks his tongue. “Such language coming from a young lady. Why I never. What do you think of the rest of the place?”

I grin before letting my arm drop and turning to check out the walk-in closet. “Motherfucker!”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, sounding startled.

“Um, Beck?”


“It was just you living here, right? By yourself?”

“Yes.” He rests his hands on my hips, leaning his chin on my shoulder to look into the not-small room. “How about that.”

“You don’t by any chance happen to own a sizable collection of designer handbags, do you?”

“Can’t say that I do.”

“How about women’s shoes?”

“Nope. None of them either.”

I sigh. “I was worried you’d say that. How much of the room exactly does your stuff take up?”

“My things are in the first set of drawers on this wall here and about half of the hanging area on the left-hand side. But as you can see, they’ve actually pushed my custom suits back to make room for more of your dresses and coats.” He helpfully points this out, fingers flexing against my hip. “I never bothered with the display cases on the back wall, which is good since they’re now full of your purses and so on. And it looks like my shoes have all been moved to the bottom rack. The rest is yours.”

“Fuck me.”

“Absolutely. Eventually. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look, shall we?” He moves me a little to the left with the pressure of his hands on my hips.

“I can’t believe they did this.”

The room is done in a soft gray and it’s basically walls full of drawers, hanging space, and a couple of big mirrors. In the center of the room is an island featuring yet more drawers with a plush sofa at one end with a makeup table and chair at the other. And from what I can see, all of it is full.

Beck starts pulling open drawers. “What have we here? Scarves, gloves…that’s a bit boring. Where’s the good stuff? Ah. Here we go. Panties, bras…yeah, nice extensive collection of lingerie. Now this I approve of.”

“You’ve got to believe me—I did not okay this.” My heart is pounding, my lungs working double time. “I would never just spend your money this way.”


“A few outfits, that’s all I agreed to. I figured you probably wouldn’t mind. To help me fit Copyright 2016 - 2024