The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,19

to working for a living.” Emma shakes her head. “Or you could play to your strengths and marry another rich old man, I guess.”

“Emma,” Mrs. Elliot growls. “Enough.”

But Giada is already on her feet and storming from the room. How she can run in heels that high I have no idea. I’d break an ankle or fall on my ass.

“Darling,” says the sophisticated blonde with the cottage on Cape Cod. “That was unkind. It’s also neither the time nor the place.”

“Yes, Mom.” Emma takes the empty spot next to the teenage boy, sliding an arm around his shoulders. But he just shrugs her off. She smiles, undaunted. “Welcome to the Billionaires Club, kid.”

“Can’t touch it for five years so what does it matter?” Henry, the teenager, takes a cell phone out of his pocket and gets busy doing something.

“Like your trust fund doesn’t keep you in designer sneakers and sports cars and whatever other nonsense you feel you need,” says Mrs. Elliot. “That will be all, thank you, Rahul.”

In silence, the man gathers his papers and rises to his feet. “Each of you will receive a full copy of the document today. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I will begin executing the relevant provisions in the very near future.”

“The sooner the better.” Mrs. Elliot’s gaze fixes on the door through whence the angry widow just retreated.

Rahul nods. “Of course.”

“Thank you, Rahul,” says the Cape Cod lady.

Ethan, the big brother, stands up and shakes his hand. There’s some murmuring, but I can’t hear what they say. Not that it’s any of my business anyway.

And then the lawyer is gone. It’s just the family, and me. Some of the stiff formality of the occasion seems to ease with his departure.

Beside me, Beck is now scowling at the floor. If he had laser eyes, he’d have long since burnt a hole in the parquetry. Guess he just joined the Billionaires Club too, if he wasn’t a member already. Seems like everyone around here must have had some sort of trust fund. Because, holy shit. The kind of money they’re talking about…it’s a lot. More than my brain can handle. Money like that requires a high-class girlfriend. Someone from the right social set. Not me. Yet here I am—the girl whose hand he’s holding on to like it’s a lifeline. I wish there were something more I could do for him.

“He said I was out.” Beck’s forehead is furrowed. “That he was changing his will.”

Ethan’s stern gaze gentles. “Dad said a lot of things.”

“It feels weird not having him here, glaring at everyone and being disappointed in our life choices,” says Emma, ruffling Henry’s hair. He half-heartedly tries to duck away from her. “Speaking of which, who the hell are you?”

I sit pinned beneath her gaze.

“She’s my Alice,” answers Beck.

“Is she?” Emma’s brows rise. “What does Selah have to say about that?”

“I didn’t ask.”

“I assume she’s staying?” asked Mrs. Elliot. “I’ll have a room made up.”

“Thank you,” said Beck. “But that’s not necessary, we can—”

“It’s necessary.”

Henry smirks. “Cock blocked by Grandma.”

Mrs. Elliot strikes her walking stick once hard against the ground, a pink tinge emerging beneath her white skin. “Language. All of you, go and circulate, we have guests. You will keep all mention of my son’s will from your lips. I will not have Jack’s funeral marked by petty squabbling. This family will show a united front. And Beck, make sure your mother doesn’t meditate on the front lawn half-naked again. I have no interest in explaining her odd habits to the neighbors.”

“I’ll talk to her,” says Beck.

“Good. Rachel, see to the girl, would you?”

“Of course,” says the Cape Cod lady, giving me a small smile. Wait. Am I the girl? And if so, what does seeing to me entail? Then Rachel, Cape Cod lady, follows the old dame out. Guess whatever it is can wait until later.

The moment they’re gone, Emma puts her feet up on the stone coffee table. The red heel is a stark contrast to the black patent leather. Those shoes probably cost more than I make in a month. Like her mom, she has a light tan appearance with perfect lips and pale blond hair. Only hers is straight and shoulder length.

“So,” she says, gaze on Ethan, “you’ll be the next king of the castle, but we’ve all got equal stakes. This should be interesting.”

Ethan just grunts.

“Or at least it will be in five years’ time when you lose control of Henry’s vote,” Copyright 2016 - 2024