The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,14

another, leaving a second fifty-dollar bill on the table. The process is repeated. Aside from his excessive tipping, there’s a strange formality to the man. I don’t know how else to describe him. But the night is busy and I don’t have time to think about it. Though he keeps watching me. Which is more than a little creepy.

“Are you sure there’s nothing else I can get you?” I ask, upon delivering his third diet soda of the night.

“There is something I’d like to discuss when you take your break.” A statement like this deserves red lights and warning bells.

“I’m in a relationship,” I lie.

“Nothing like that,” he says in a rush. “Beck asked me to pass on a message to you.”

My heart stutters. “Beck?”

“Yes.” The man’s brows rise. “You are Alice, aren’t you?”

“Yes. Yes, I am. And I already had my break earlier.” As per usual, I spent said break hiding out in the lady’s bathroom sitting in a locked stall (with the toilet seat down). It’s the one place I can usually rest my feet uninterrupted for five solid minutes. “What’s the message?”

“That I’m here in case you change your mind.”

Huh. “That’s what he said? That’s everything?”

“Yes, miss,” says the big buff man. “My name is Smith and I’ll be in the bar every night between eight and two for the next week. Then I’ll wait out in the parking lot to ensure you get to your vehicle safely. Those were my instructions.”

I don’t know what to say.

“And should you decide to change your mind, I’m to get you to Denver.”

Someone calls for me, but I ignore them. “Is he all right?”

“I can’t say, miss.”

“Well, who is he?” I ask. “I mean…this is a lot. It’s not exactly normal behavior, if you know what I mean?”

“I know what you mean,” he says. “But I can’t answer that question either, sorry.”

“Are you also supposed to be tipping me this much?”

His smile is more genuine this time. “Your time is valuable and I’m instructed to cover those costs.”

“Okay.” This is all well beyond my range of experience. Someone is yelling “waitress” on repeat, but I need a minute. Possibly two. “Are you a friend or an employee or what, exactly?”

“A driver, miss.”

“So this isn’t all some weird involved human trafficking setup, then?” Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but I don’t know. It made sense for a second inside my head. And you can’t be too careful.

Smith’s eyes widen. “No, it’s not. You’re welcome to photograph both me and my vehicle and send them to a friend or family member, if you like. We could even go by a store and purchase a Taser and pepper spray if it would make you feel safer.”

“That’s very considerate of you.”

A nod.

Now Rob is yelling at me too. Something about getting my fat ass back to work. I hold up a hand, needing another moment to sort out my life. As I see it, the main points regarding arguments for and against going with Smith include: My job is shit. My apartment isn’t much better. In fact, nothing is keeping me in LA right now, when you get down to it. It’s not like my family rely on me for anything.

“Have they had the funeral yet? Was it hard on Beck? Was he close with his father?” I clamp my mouth shut, then finally manage to ask the only question that matters. “Do you think it would help, if I was there?”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

Before I do anything, further proof is required. “Can you get him on the phone, please?”

The big man presses some buttons and, sure enough, Beck appears on screen. Instantly I move closer. Still, his voice is hard to hear over the music. “What’s up, Smith? Is she okay?”

“She’d like to talk to you, sir.” He angles the cell my way, not letting me hold it. Guess he’s tetchy with his belongings. Or maybe he’s keeping an ear out for further instructions.

Beck smiles. But it’s a tired, weary one. “Wife. Get on the plane.”

“You’re not the boss of me.”

“No. But I’d like to be. That’d be fun. Or you could be the boss of me. Whatever.” His gaze shifts to something off screen for a moment and his smile dims further. Dark circles linger under his eyes. “Wish you were here.”

“Me too.”

“Here’s your chance then,” he says. “You want to be with me and I want to be with you. Enough excuses. Take the leap, Alice. Promise I won’t let Copyright 2016 - 2024