The Rich Boy - Kylie Scott Page 0,113

She points an accusing finger at her dapper husband. “You wait out there. You withheld information. That was a poor choice on your part, Matías.”

He sighs. “So you said the entire flight back from Europe.”

“Apologize to her.”

He turns his handsome visage my way. “Sorry I lied about the job, Alice. But you were really good at it and I’m hoping that you’ll agree to continue with the work.”

“I don’t know,” I say, despite the fact it’s what I’m currently working on. All of the males in this family get away with shit far too easily, in all honesty.

“She’ll consider your offer. But you’ll need to at least double her rate of pay. Now stand out there and think about what you’ve done,” instructs Emma before shutting the door in his face. “Idiot males.”

She frowns at my new room. It’s neither as big nor as grand as the master bedroom, but I didn’t think it was that bad. Perhaps it’s just that I’m using a different room. Makes sense.

“When was the last time you ate?” She opens the door once more. “Matías, Alice needs some lunch. And some sort of green smoothie to help her complexion and energy levels. She looks like hell. Go. Fetch. Hurry.”

There’s grumbling, but he goes.

I just watch. “I appreciate the concern, but the fact is we barely know each other. Why are you really here, Emma?”

“Because my idiot little brother messed things up with you and someone needs to fix the situation and that someone is apparently me.” She turns in a slow circle, taking in the room with her brows drawn. “He’s at my therapist’s office then he’s heading back into Elliot Corp., by the way. I find it can be useful to keep track of them. Have you thought of putting an app on his phone?”

“Beck’s with your therapist already?”

She nods, still looking around, her expression vaguely unimpressed. God knows what she’d have thought of my old apartment back in California. Horror, most likely. “You’re really moving out, but staying in the same house? How does that even work?”

“It’s between Beck and me.”

She continues on, ignoring my comment completely as only an Elliot can do. “Why don’t I make some calls and we’ll have a spa day. Girl talk, massages, the whole shebang. We’ll get this shit sorted out and get things back to normal in no time.”

“Emma, I appreciate the thought, but please stop.”

Her shoulders sink. “He really screwed things up with you, didn’t he?”

“Yeah, he did.”

She takes a deep breath. “So how big an apology present are we talking? Ten million? Twenty?”

I channel some calm. “Emma, I know you mean well, but we’re going to have to sort this out on our own.”

Her bottom lip trembles. “But if I can’t fix things then I’m going to feel very out of control and unhappy. Do you really want that on your conscience?”

Fuck me.

“I’m pregnant. My mood swings are very violent and I’m meant to stay calm,” she says, voice rising in pitch at an astounding rate. “Beck and you fighting is not making me calm, Alice.”

“Okay, okay. He can buy things to help make it better. Just not for me.”

“Not for you? Okay, I can work with that. Let me think.” She pulls her cell out of her handbag, shooting off a text. “This is all such a mess. Beck called yesterday wanting the number for a therapist. Then Grandma called wanting to know if she could rely on me if a certain family matter she refused to name came before the board. I told her there was no way I could make a decision without more information. Next Ethan rang to warn me Grandma was being cagey and not to commit to anything. I mean, no shit.”


“And Grandma called Mom and went off about your foul language and general unsuitability. Told her all about the conversation you two had because Grandma has never understood when she’s gone too far. Mom told her off for interfering. Gave her quite the serving apparently. Mom also finally kicked Selah to the curb for repeating conversations and other information she’d overheard in the workplace. A total privacy violation. The stupidity of the girl is awe-inspiring. By that time I figured we just needed to get on a plane so I could come sort this all out. Are you going to give me your version of events or what?” Emma takes a seat on the edge of the bed. “Talk to me, Alice.”

“Basically, he lied and some Copyright 2016 - 2024