The Revenge Artist - Philip Siegel Page 0,37

billboard. “Blazin’ and Bangin’…The Fragrance.”

I pity people who don’t have friends like Val. “I’m obsessed. Tell me everything.”

We realize we’re right next to the library, so we make our way inside for peace and quiet. The musty smell of old books fills the air. Sunlight pours down from the skylights, giving the place an earthy glow.

Val proceeds to tell me about this fantastic new place where you can make your own perfumes and colognes called The Ole Factory in West Hill, a town whose mall only has designer stores and three doggie therapists. “Let’s make our own personal fragrance. Blazin’ and Bangin’. It’ll be our Christmas present to each other. What do you think?”

Tears peek out from my eyes. Any awkwardness I felt about where we were headed flows away with the rest of the water underneath our bridge. I know it’s something I’ll cherish forever. “I love it.”

She claps with the tips of her fingers. “Awesome. You need an appointment, and they are extremely booked. But I got us in for the Friday after Thanksgiving.”

My breath catches in my throat. I shut my eyes slowly. No, no, no. “Are there any other times?”

“They’re booked solid through the holiday season. I only got this appointment because of a last-minute cancellation.”

“What about after Christmas?”

Val’s face loses its buoyancy. “I mean, it won’t be a Christmas gift to each other, but I can check. What are you doing that day?”

I bite my lip and consider my words very carefully. I don’t want to lie to her, but I don’t want to tell her the truth. I wish there was some type of in-between legalese I could think of on the spot. “I’m seeing a show.”

“Oh. Which one?”

“The Nutcracker.”

Val nods. Her body gets perfectly still, which is never a good sign. “Fred’s taking you.”

“How did you know?”

“Because your family never wants to go.”

Tiny daggers of pain fly at my heart. It’s worse that she knew that, that she knew me so well. I am a master at losing no matter what decision I make. “I’m sorry. Fred already got the tickets for that day. If I’d known about this…” But it’s no use. I made a choice.

“We can go during winter break,” I say with all my reserves of enthusiasm. “We’ll be Blazin’ and Bangin’ into the new year.”

Val slaps on a fake smile. “Totally!”

I hope that the next few periods give her time to cool off. “Where do you want to go for lunch today? We can go to that sushi place with the cute waiters.”

“I’m just going to eat in the cafeteria. My study group and I are going to get some work done for this group project thing.”

“Okay,” I say, feeling my friend drift farther and farther away as the seconds pass on the countdown clock.


I drag Fred and his friends to that sushi place to ogle the cute waiters, but naturally, it’s not the same without Val there. I ask Fred if his tickets are refundable. Nope. It doesn’t matter anyway. I already gave my answer to Val.

Nutcracker with boyfriend > Fragrance with friend

And here I am, choosing boyfriends over friends. Even though, really, I didn’t have a choice. Fred asked me first. His activity can’t be rescheduled. Though I suppose this is what all new girlfriends say, right before they plunge headfirst into relationship zombiehood.

I feel like everyone in my world is spiraling away from me. We’ve all gotten lost in the crowd, and I don’t know if we can find each other again. Val is off with her study group, Huxley is off with her new boyfriend, Fred is planning out the next five years of our relationship, none of my couples can stay together. My head is seven seconds away from exploding.

Fred snaps his fingers in my face. The fresh smell of raw fish brings me back to the present. “Where’d you go, Bernadette?”

I shake away my thoughts. “Sorry.”

He pushes a strand of hair out of my eyes. “What are you up to tonight? Do you want to hang out once I’m done tutoring?”

“Sure. Are you guys ready to go back?”

We still have thirteen minutes left of lunch, but if I get back early, perhaps I can get a glimpse of this supposed study group Val is in.

Once we get back to school, Fred gives me a deep kiss in the car. Nobody saw, although who cares if they did? I’m a relationship zombie! Everyone look at how awesome me and my boyfriend are! We part Copyright 2016 - 2024