Revealing the Monster (Playing with Monsters #4) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,103

matter. I’m nothing more than the womb he needs to fill, and that isn’t something I will allow him to achieve. I am more than that,” she admitted, frowning, causing her forehead to wrinkle.

“I hear you,” I replied, nodding. “Lucian allowed my bloodline to die and did nothing to prevent it. They were savagely murdered, and he knew it would happen. I can forgive him for being some medieval monster, but I need to understand why. I deserve that, right? I don’t know where I fit into his world, either. He wants me. That much I do know.” Pausing, I creased my brow at her pitying stare.

“I am irrevocably in love with him, but he doesn’t allow me to know how he feels, Erie. I feel lost, and I hate this feeling. It’s like I came back with a purpose, and now it’s changing daily. I don’t need him to declare his love for me in some big gesture, but I hate feeling like I’m in limbo. It’s like the ground I am standing on is trembling, and I am just waiting for it to crumble beneath me.”

“Lucian was hurt badly when Katarina betrayed him. You know that. He lost his shit when you died, Lena. I watched it unfold and then was called in to build a cage to contain you, or what he assumed was his seal manipulating your corpse. Imagine never losing control, and then it’s just gone. Lucian has spent his entire life holding command on worlds and immortals that depend on him. You walked into his life, and he wasn’t sure what to do with you. You shook his foundation and made the ground tremble on which he stood.”

“I doubt that very much,” I muttered.

“Sometimes foundations have to break so that new ones can be built,” she returned, studying me.

I considered her words, nodding my understanding while running them through my mind. Was that the issue? Was my foundation crumbling so that I could stand with Lucian? Did he want me that close to him? I knew he cared deeply for me and wanted me. That much was obvious, but what if that wasn’t enough and he tired of me? What if he didn’t allow me to stand with him because of what had happened in the past?

“Don’t do that, Magdalena. You’re going to what if yourself back into the grave. That buzzing isn’t going away. I think it’s following us.”

“That’s me,” I admitted, and her eyes widen before they lowered to my abdomen.

“Oh, you kinky bitch! I dig it,” she chuckled.

“It’s not like that. Well, it is. It’s a device, which tracks my location while also allowing Lucian to torture me slowly,” I groaned, scrubbing my hands over my face with embarrassment. “It’s been days since he allowed me to find release, and he enjoys having that power over my pleasure. Almost as much as he likes keeping me locked up inside this club.”

“Wow, that’s pretty caveman of him. I knew he was into the kink, but withholding it for days? That’s some next-level bullshit,” she snorted, frowning. “How long has it been since you’ve been outside?”

“A while now. At least a few weeks, but I did sneak out to go check in on Alden, and bring Spyder’s stubborn ass back here.”

“Let’s fix that,” she stated, not explaining what she’d meant while reaching over to grab my hand.

The world started swirling around us, and my stomach lurched with nausea while Erie hummed out loud. I groaned, grasping onto her arm for dear life before solid ground once again sat beneath my feet.

She smiled as I continued fussing over my surroundings, perpetually spinning violently. I didn’t release my hold on her, not even as the world became clear.

Brimstone and sulfur burned my senses, and I gasped as something akin to a branding iron bit into my wrist. I heard a loud popping noise and then screeching as my attention moved to what had assaulted me, and I sighed. Violet eyes held mine as I saw Lucifer’s hand attached to my wrist, but no longer connected to his arm.

“Not today, Satan. It’s a girl’s night out. Besides, you need to file the correct paperwork with Lucian to get permission for some alone time with her. I doubt he’d allow you any alone time with Lena, though. Now shoo. It won’t be too long before he comes looking for her,” Erie stated, as if she hadn’t just severed the Devil’s hand from his body.

Lucifer vanished, and the Copyright 2016 - 2024