The Reunited - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,97

Her eyes narrowed as she thought it through. “But we need more than that. They’ll have cameras. Lights . . .”

He reached over, caught her hand, squeezed hers. Even through the leather gloves, she could feel the heat of his hand. “Relax. I can get the gates. And then some.”

She slanted a look at him. “And then some?”


On an unspoken cue, they rose from their crouched position, staring at each other. “Just what is then some?”

He stared down at the ground, a thoughtful look on his lean features. “I never much told you how I work, I guess.” As he lifted his head, his gray eyes met hers, dark and turbulent as a summer thunderstorm. “I fuck with electrical shit. Any sort of electrical . . . including what’s inside your head. I can do it just enough to slow some people down.” Then he flashed a wicked, vivid grin at her, one that made him look just a little bit devilish, just a little bit wild. “Or I can do it enough to fuck up that gate, every last lightbulb, every last camera in there. Whatever I want.”

Dru stared. Then she shifted her attention to the gate. “What about his SUV? Any weapons they have?”

“The SUV, oh, yeah. Weapons, depends. Stun guns?” He gave her a wicked grin. “Other stuff . . . if it’s anything advanced, yes. Basic firearms, no, but I still can fuck with the owner. That’s all that matters.”

Turning her head to the SUV, she smiled. “Do it.”

* * *

IT was a release sometimes, Tucker knew. The best kind. And if he wasn’t careful, the worst kind, especially when he used it on people. That was why he had to be careful. People could die if he slipped.

But cars, electrical gates, cameras, that was so safe . . . and so much fun.

As he pictured all of it in his mind, his breath started to come in harsh, edgy pants. It was a rush, raw and erotic, and that just proved to him how fucked up he was. Although he didn’t need proof. He knew he was fucked up, had been all his life.

The gates . . . several different series of them. Cameras . . . those first, and he felt the little pop, pop, pop in his brain as they went down. Damn, that felt good. He took a few seconds, probing at the series of gates, wondering why they were running on a couple of different generators, then it clicked for him as he felt the prickly burn of life coming from somewhere deeper in the compound.

Alien life. Not human.

All energy felt different to him, and this wasn’t a human. He couldn’t quite understand it, but he pieced the picture together well enough. After all, Dru had been sharing intel with him in case something happened to her. Somebody had to go to the cops, and although he didn’t know if he’d be believed . . . well, if something had happened to his girl, he wouldn’t worry about the cops. He’d kill Whitmore himself.

The gators. He was pretty sure that alien life energy he sensed was the gators. So a second set of gates, running off a different generator, was to keep the gators confined.

Okay. Leaving that one alone . . . on to the lights, and whoa. That was a rush.

They exploded with a glorious burst that had people swearing so loud, he heard some of them from out there. Even the lights placed on the grounds went up in a blaze as he flooded them with a power surge. So damned good. Felt so good.

On to the next . . .

He felt the probe at his mind.

Somebody new. Unwelcome. Deftly, he averted it, sidestepping for just long enough to disable any of the weapons he could. Didn’t work on all of them; most of the weapons used here were firearms, but there were a few stun guns and that was good. He took them out, and by the time he was done, he was cruising so high, he might as well have been in the stratosphere.

One more thing . . . the car. He killed the battery, killed it so dead they’d never be able to start it, and then, just for kicks, he screwed up the rest of the electrical system.

“Whoa.” Pressing the heel of his hand to his right eye socket, he blew out a breath. “That’s a rush.”

“You okay?” Dru asked.

She reached out to touch him—he Copyright 2016 - 2024