The Reunited - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,72

if he pried.

She’d tell him. Sooner or later.

* * *

SHE’D dreamed of him.

And she came awake biting her lip to keep from calling out his name.

Even in her dreams she couldn’t fully let her guard down, and it was that self-preservation alone that kept her from fucking herself over as he settled himself rather determinedly into her thoughts. Like he’d opened the door to her room, it seemed, and just walked right in, brash as you please.

What are you doing? she thought, rolling onto her stomach and pressing her face into the pillow.

Saying good morning. Do you sleep naked?

Dru groaned. No.

Damn. Why not? I’d like to think of you naked in bed. Then his thoughts darkened. Is your limpdick fiancé with you?

No, she thought, all but ready to cry. If only Patrick had a limp dick, her life would be easier.

Baby girl, what’s wrong? Joss’s voice inside her mind was like black velvet, stroking against the ache of her heart and soul. Why are you so sad? If it’s him, just leave him. Hell, just leave him anyway. You should be with me . . . and I think you already know that.

Hysterically, she laughed. If only life were so simple, Joss.

He sighed. And it startled her that she could feel it. She could feel him, feel that he was outside somewhere. If she concentrated, she could feel the cool, damp air against his skin, almost as clearly as she felt his frustration, his want, his need . . . and something more.

Something that warmed her to her very core, even as it broke her heart.


This man who didn’t even truly know her loved her.

I do know you, he murmured into her mind, and she shivered. She’d have to be careful. He picked up on way too much, even when she thought she had shielded herself good and tight. I know what I need to know and everything I don’t know . . . I want to spend the rest of my life learning it. Are you okay with that?

Tears squeezed out from under her lashes. Yes. If she lived through this, yes, she’d be just fine with that.

Joss, I’m in a mess right now, she hedged. She suspected she couldn’t give him an opening, though. He’d barrel through any perceived weakness and stay until she was safe . . .

Yeah. He sighed. So am I. I’ve got a . . . complicated job. We’ll have a lot to talk about, but you and I, we’re going to be together. Do me a favor . . . imagine me kissing you good morning . . .

* * *

JOSS blew out a breath before he headed into the Waffle House.

His throat ached.

It hadn’t been quite the kiss he’d been thinking it would be. It was bittersweet, heartrending.

And he was tempted to say screw everything, just so he could go to her. Rescue her.

But the last time he’d barreled in, he’d ended up dead.

Plus, he had people depending on him, and she was in some kind of mess herself. He needed to know more about it before he did a damn thing, because he’d learned a few things this time around.

Barreling in led to bad, bad shit.

He was going to know what was going on before he did a damn thing.

And he’d wrap up this mess first. He had to think with his head right now . . . not with his heart. Not with his dick.

As he slid into the booth next to the woman, Taylor barely glanced up from the menu. “I think you want to see me keel over dead from a heart attack. Look at this menu.”

“Fuck off,” Joss snapped.

Taylor lifted his head, cocked a brow.

He just stared back.

Next to him, the woman shifted and lifted her hands to her head. “This is going to be a lot of fun. Jones . . . he’s not stable enough to be doing this.”

Slanting her a look, Joss curled his lip. “No. I’m not. But unfortunately, I’m the only monkey in this circus who knows this particular act.” He studied her face . . . Vaughnne. Yeah, they’d met a few times.

Critically, he looked her over, tried to see her the way Whitmore would see her. Cute. Heart-shaped face with creamy, light brown skin. A smattering of freckles across her nose . . . kind of unusual, he decided. Her hair was shoulder-length and crazy with curls. She looked like the girl next door. She’d be a striking contract next Copyright 2016 - 2024