The Reunited - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,62

up and cupping her face, spearing over her cheek, fingers splaying wide. “Open,” he demanded against her lips. “Open your mouth.”

And he didn’t wait. He just pushed his tongue demandingly into her mouth, hungry and certain. At the same time, he thrust inside her. Deep, so deep, and she screamed, shocked, into his mouth. Wide and hot, burning, he pierced her, and even when he was buried inside her, it was like he couldn’t get deep enough, rocking against her.

“More, damn it . . .” He groaned. “Give me more.”

Trying to breathe, trying to keep from flying into a thousand pieces, she wrapped her arms around him, holding on to the wide shelf of his shoulders. Her heart skittered in her ribs as he lifted his head, just enough to stare into her eyes.


She heard his unspoken question, dancing through her mind. Felt it in a way she couldn’t explain. Reaching out to him on that same connection, she tugged him back to her.

Yes, she thought. She needed more.

A dream wasn’t enough.

As he started to move against her, she sobbed against his lips. If this only happened in a dream, she just might wither away and die . . .

It will happen again, and for real, he whispered into her mind. I’ll make damn sure of it.

But she couldn’t think about that. Not with everything that swamped her in real life. Not with the sensation of him driving inside her, the swollen head of his cock scraping over every sensitized nerve ending. Not with the feel of his presence pulsing inside in a way she couldn’t even begin to explain.

It will happen, baby girl . . . it will . . .

The need pulsed. Expanded. And as he gave her another one of those breath-stealing, soul-shattering kisses, she started to shake, a shuddering that echoed in her very core. Stretching out, bit by bit . . .

As he withdrew, she cried out, clenching down around him, desperate to keep him inside her, her nails biting into his shoulders. He snarled, shoved deeper, harder.

She felt his hand tangling in her hair, the other hooking under her shoulders to hold her steady as his hips slammed against her. And it was so damned good, so damned amazing . . .

And although it was nothing but a dream, she climaxed hard, so hard, it stole the very breath from her lungs and left her crying.

Before she could even process what was happening next, though . . . she started to fade.

She could even feel the edges of the dream unraveling. Felt it withering away . . .

“Stay with me,” he rasped.

Dru struggled as the dream started to fade.

“Look at me.”

Lost, fighting whatever it was that seemed to pull her away, she stared into those dark eyes. They anchored her, pulled her in. “Just look at me. Stay with me,” he said, his voice firm . . . and yet under it, she heard a desperate plea.

“Shit,” he whispered.

“What’s happening?”

“We’re both waking up.” He looked around. “I can’t hold this outside of dreams.”

“What’s your name?”

Just before he faded completely, he flashed her one quick smile. “It’s Joss.”

* * *

JOSS . . .

She came awake with his name echoing through her mind, his taste lingering on her lips . . . her entire body was still shuddering with the aftereffects of the climax, and although she knew she hadn’t had sex, it damn well felt like she had.

There were tears on her face. Her heart still raced.

And fear had her skin like ice. The fear only got worse when she licked her lips and thought she could taste the echo of his kiss.

“Don’t let him take you . . .”

As his words circled through her mind, Dru swung her legs over the edge of the bed and sat there, her entire body trembling, shaking, her gut a tight, cold knot.

Deep inside, in her soul, she ached.

It felt like somebody had taken her heart and just shattered it, smashed it, and then sewn up the biggest pieces without bothering to make sure everything fit. She felt incomplete. She felt broken.

All from a dream.

“I’m losing my mind. Went nuts under the stress, that’s all.”

Except she didn’t feel like she was going crazy.

That thought made her laugh. Oh, right, like the typical crazy person feels off their rocker. Sighing, she shoved her hair back and buried her face in her hands. She had to get a grip. Ever mindful of the cameras, she pretended to sit there, like Copyright 2016 - 2024