The Reunited - By Shiloh Walker Page 0,39

do one thing?”


He shuddered as he felt her lips moving against his. “Tell me your name.”

“It’s Dru.” She eased her head back and glanced around, a quick, subtle look. Then she looked back at him, and those pretty green eyes held something of sadness. A flash of something he couldn’t quite read lingered there. “You feel odd to my head . . . it’s almost like you burn. I haven’t met too many who did that.”

She eased back and reached up, touched his cheek. “I really do wish you’d found me before this.”

“I’ll find you again, Dru.”

“No.” She shook her head. “It’s best if you don’t.”

He said nothing. He wasn’t going to argue with her, and he already knew it didn’t matter . . . he could already see it happening.

They’d see each other again, and soon.

As she turned away, he murmured her name to himself. Dru. He supposed he hadn’t exactly expected her to be called the same name.

And Dru suited her now.

Simple. Efficient. And if the look in her eyes was any indicator, she was a lot more equipped at taking care of herself than she had been.

He kept his eyes on her narrow back until she was lost among the crowd of people and then he blew out a breath, tipped his head back.


“Maybe there’s something to be said for this Magic Kingdom shit, after all.”

* * *

SHE was on adrenaline overload by the time she made it back to her room.

The flood of memories swimming through her mind weren’t hers, but they sure as hell felt like it.

“You’ll come away with me, won’t you?”

A man’s face. Familiar in a way she just couldn’t place. But she knew she knew him.

“Why didn’t I get his name?”

Better off not having it, she tried to tell herself, tried to console herself. But it wasn’t working. Already, she missed him, already she wished she hadn’t told him no. Although wouldn’t that have been a lark, having dinner with another man and then having to explain it to Patrick? And he would find out. That was just how he was.

Swallowing, she swiped her key card and let herself in, groaning and falling back against the door, sinking down. Her legs felt like Jell-O as she drew them upward, buried her face against them. What had she been thinking, letting him kiss her like that?

Kissing him back?

Those eyes of his . . . damn those eyes, they’d all but gutted her. Left her low.

And when he kissed her, she had the strangest sensation he’d kissed her before. Had the strangest sensation he’d touched her before. She didn’t usually like kissing. But his kiss, she could get addicted to it. She could come to crave it.

Sex, yes, she usually liked sex, but she was rather good at using her own body to get what she needed from a man, and her hands, if she had to. Kisses were a different story. Too many men were either too bloody hesitant, or they acted like they were trying to ram their tongues down her throat and choke her. Or they acted like they were a damn vacuum and went about sucking her tongue off.

This man, though . . . he kissed like he was made to do just that.

Sighing, she let herself remember it. A wonderful kiss. She had almost lost herself in it.

Then there were his hands, the way he’d stroked them down her back, how he’d pulled her against him as though he had every right to do so—and it felt like he had every right.

Dru had lost her mind. It was as simple as that.

No other reason to explain why she’d risk something so utterly dangerous.

Why she was willing to risk it again. Why she was already craving another touch.

Her sex drive had withered away and died the past year, and it was no wonder, considering what she had plunged herself into, and what she had to live with, but now, it had flared to burning, sultry life.

All because of a few light touches and a stolen kiss.

But he’d done it so right. Tugging on her hair like that. Tangling his hand in her shirt. Waiting until she’d moved in on him before he’d really done much of anything, but then he’d taken over in just the right way . . .

Why didn’t I get his name?

Now she just had the rest of her life to remember what it was like to have a total stranger kiss the daylights out of her Copyright 2016 - 2024