Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,63

crux of the problem. The fact that they had known of Athaulf’s impending death and not stopped it might turn her against them forever. How could they help her to understand?

Gigi continued, “We knew Athaulf would be murdered, and we did try to stop it — we did try to change history. Some things we’ve been able to nudge, but not the major events. Not the events that would ripple down through history with lasting effect.”

Tears started to course down Placidia’s cheeks, and her shoulders shook, but Gigi could not be sure if she was accepting the story, or if she was simply reliving the prior day’s horror.

Gigi took hold of Placidia’s hands. “The reason we came back was because history told us Athaulf’s children would be slaughtered, and we knew we couldn’t let that happen, regardless of the danger it might put us in. Marga isn’t in the history books, so when we arrived in Barcino and met her, we hoped that meant we were supposed to save her as well. If we made history think they’d all been murdered, then we thought we could save them.”

“Did history tell you about Theo, too?” Placidia asked flatly.

Unable to meet her gaze, Gigi looked down. “We knew, and we came with medicine in hopes of saving him, but we had no control over when we got here, and we simply got here too late. I’m so sorry.”

Placidia’s lower lip quivered. “What else do you wish to tell me?”

“That Sergeric will die within the week, and Wallia will take over and rule well. But before he dies, Sergeric will torment you and others by parading you as captives, however this will cause such an uproar that everyone will turn on him.”

“And then?”

Gigi hesitated, knowing Placidia’s near future was going to be very painful.

Magnus took up the story again. “You will be turned over to Constantius and taken back to Ravenna. You will marry him in a little over two years.”

“That is ridiculous,” Placidia flared. “I would never marry him!”

Gigi sighed, but soldiered on. “You will have two beautiful children together. Then, Honorius and Constantius will each die within ten years of your return, and you will become regent over your son, who will go on to rule the Western Roman Empire.”

When Placidia didn’t respond, Gigi added, “Please believe us. We would never lie to you.”

“So you say.” Placidia shook her head in frustration. “You did save the children, for which I am indebted. But … if I am to become regent, will I ever see them again?” Her voice caught. “And my Marga? Dare I hope … ?”

Gigi shrugged. “We don’t know, Placidia. We have no idea what will happen to them, because … it hasn’t happened yet, and there’s nothing recorded except that they all died just as we said.”

“Oh, God!” Placidia leaned against Gigi and wept. Magnus embraced them both, and they let the queen mourn.

After a few moments, Placidia wiped her eyes. “It seems I have a role to play, and I do not wish to delay the inevitable. I want to return to Barcino, to meet my fate.” She paused and looked out at the distant sea. “You told me once you know how to sail. Perhaps that is the best plan to get the children out of harm’s way. Escape with them. Take them somewhere far away, across the very ocean if you must, and I will cherish the thought of them growing strong and wise and safe in a land of beauty and peace and sun. This knowledge will keep me strong in the years ahead.” Her voice faltered again, and she buried her face on Magnus’s shoulder and wept.

Gigi looked into his eyes. He looked as devastated as she felt.

He wrapped his arms around both women and whispered, “We love you, Placidia. And we will love your children as our own. In fact, we already do.”

• • •

Late that afternoon, they were ready to begin their descent toward Barcino. They would travel most of the night under cover of darkness, then rest and finish the trek in the morning. Placidia did not want to enter the city in the dark, without the people of Barcino as witness to her arrival.

Knowing they could not return to the city without risking capture, Magnus and Gigi would hang back, keep watch, and eventually make their way to the cove and the planned rendezvous with Lucius.

“I still do not know what to think,” Placidia said, as they stood by Copyright 2016 - 2024