Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,56

Athaulf’s chambers, not caring that Africanus would soon bleed out, if he wasn’t already dead.

He felt nauseous and weak, his vision blurry. Too much time had passed. He knew he had failed to save the king. Gigi, where are you? He stumbled on.

He reached the corridor leading to the royal chambers. It was empty, the door open. There were no guards. Where in Hades was everyone?

Holding his knife before him, Magnus blinked hard, trying to clear his sight. He moved inside the anteroom, then through the door to the bedchamber.

Ye gods. Gore was splattered, pooled, and smeared all over the floor, Athaulf’s bath red with his life’s blood. Unsteadily, Magnus stepped to the balcony and was relieved to find it empty. He turned and tripped over an empty bucket, then stumbled forward.

Cursing, he spotted something he’d not noticed before, a trail of blood going out the door.

Fear pulsed the air, shook him to full attention. He gathered himself and followed the trail, hoping he would not find Gigi at its end.

• • •

It took several minutes before Gigi and Vana could get the kids quieted. The whole time, Placidia stood mute, still as a statue, and clearly in shock.

Gigi heard the bishop ask, “Your Majesty, are you injured?”

When Placidia didn’t respond, Gigi looked at the bishop and said, “That’s not her blood. There’s been fighting, and … ”

Placidia opened her arms wide. “Oh, my babes! Please hold me. I need you all in my arms.”

The children hesitated, staring at her blood-stained gown.

“Mama, I’m scared,” Marga whimpered.

Vana slipped her outer tunic over her head. “Please, Your Majesty, cover yourself with this.”

Gigi and Vana quickly slipped the garment over her head and soon the kids started inching forward.

Weeping softly, Placidia sank to her knees and gathered them to her, rocking, moaning, and drawing comfort.

Moved, Gigi wondered if the queen would be able tell them about their father’s death. She couldn’t imagine a more horrible task, and turned way, steering Vana and the bishop to one side. “This is not over. We are still in grave danger, especially the children.”

Vana gripped Gigi’s arm. “Tell me how I may help. I will do anything for them.”

“Right now, I think we should guard the door and wait for Magnus. I won’t trust anyone but him.”

The bishop stared hard at Gigi. “You’d not trust the king?”

“No one will ever hear his voice again.”

Vana’s eyes filled with tears. The bishop made the sign of the cross over them and began to pray. After a moment, grieving, Vana moved off to comfort Placidia and the children.

Grim-faced, the bishop glanced at the queen. “She was able to be with him … at the last?”

Gigi nodded. “They prayed together. They were able to say their last goodbyes.”

Wails suddenly erupted from the children, raising the hairs on Gigi’s arms. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes. The poor kids. How would they go on without their father? Who would protect them?

Magnus. Where was he? Oh, God, please …

Suddenly, Gigi heard running outside, then frantic knocking.

“Help, help, they’re after me! Help!” a woman pleaded.

The bishop moved to lift the latch, but Gigi stopped him. “Only Magnus, trust only Magnus!”

He looked at her, incredulous. “Can you not hear? It is a woman’s voice. I cannot allow some innocents to be saved, while others are sacrificed.”

He indignantly pushed Gigi aside. Startled, she toppled, hitting the ground hard. The latch went up in a flash, and someone dashed in, wielding a blade. Gigi reached for her gun just as the intruder’s blade came down on the bishop. Blood sprayed, and Gigi fired, sending the assailant sprawling.

Gigi’s ears rang, but she could still hear everyone’s screams. Heart thudding, she scrambled to her feet and checked the bishop. The gash on his head didn’t look serious, only a glancing blow, but it was bleeding profusely, and he was out cold.

She turned to inspect the assailant and recognized the mimi. Furious, Gigi swore at their stupidity. Miserable bastard! A large pool of blood was spreading from underneath his body, every ounce he’d possessed draining onto the floor.

Eyes wide with terror, Placidia scrambled over to the bishop. “What just happened?” she asked Gigi.

With complete clarity, Gigi realized exactly what had happened. This guy would’ve been the children’s murderer — not Sergeric — regardless, she’d just changed history.

She raised Placidia to her feet and looked her in the eyes. “Never mind what I did. Please, you must listen to me. It’s Sergeric’s mimi and he came here to Copyright 2016 - 2024