Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,54

a wide, deadly arc, but Magnus blocked the strike with his knife and sparks flew off the metal.

“Magnus, are you there yet? Magnus?” the walkie-talkie screamed.

Startled by the sound, Africanus looked around for the source of the voice.

Magnus saw an opportunity and drove his knife in, but Africanus twisted away and slashed downward in one movement.

Leaping aside, Magnus heard the crackle from the walkie-talkie, just as it took a hit from Africanus’s blade, then scattered across the floor in pieces.

• • •

From his hiding place, Eberwolf heard Athaulf dismiss everyone from his bedchamber. He continued to wait behind the curtain, not moving, not even daring to take a look.

Finally, he heard the soft thud of boots falling to the floor, and then, after a long moment, the sloshing of water.

He peeked from the curtain. In the candlelight, he saw King Athaulf sitting chest deep in the tub, head back and eyes closed.

Eberwolf smiled.

Taking a steadying breath, he raised his knife, and lunged. He struck Athaulf in the chest. Once. Twice. Three times, as hard and deep as he could. Blood spewed.

Breathing heavily, he leapt back and watched, fascinated, as the king thrashed about, pathetically struggling to get out of the tub. Mortally wounded. The bath water crimson.

Just before the king slipped beneath the surface, he arched up and wailed.

Hearing noises outside, Eberwolf roused himself and quickly returned to his spot behind the curtain.

“My lord?” someone called from the antechamber.

There was no response from Athaulf, and Eberwolf heard the door crash open, then the riotous tumult as the king’s guards swarmed into the room.

He waited a moment longer, then looked out. The men had Athaulf on the floor, the atmosphere utter chaos as they attempted to save him. No one had yet thought to search the room for the king’s assassin. Eberwolf could not expect to remain undetected forever.

He had only this one chance for escape. He pulled his palla back up, grabbed one of the buckets and swiftly left his hiding place. He walked toward the door and then faced the scene with his most convincing expression of shock.

A guard noticed him and yelled, “Get out of here, woman! Alert the queen. She is in the chapel!”

Dropping his bucket, Eberwolf turned and ran.

• • •

“Magnus!” Gigi shouted into the walkie-talkie again, but all she heard was static. No answer. Where was he? What was going on?

The queen immediately realized Athaulf was in danger and took off, intent on reaching her husband. Gigi clipped the walkie-talkie back on her belt, clamped her hand over the .45 hidden beneath her palla, and chased after Placidia, summoning guards as they ran.

When they finally reached the hall leading to Athaulf’s chambers, Placidia cried out in panic and reared back, Gigi nearly stumbling into her. The place was in chaos, the corridor filled with soldiers and servants, all shouting and shrieking, everyone trying to make sense of what was happening.

The queen’s guards quickly formed a tight ring around the two of them. Just then, Athaulf’s kinsman, Wallia, came from the bedchamber, his tunic covered in blood. Placidia gasped and sagged against Gigi, who felt sick to her stomach.

The crowd fell silent, their shock palpable.

“My lady, you must hurry.” Wallia moved to support Placidia. “The king is asking for you. You must not fail him.”

Stunned, Gigi could only stare as he helped the queen inside. At that moment, the world tilted, her knees threatening to give out, but a guard standing nearby helped her follow Placidia through the antechamber and into the room beyond.

Gigi froze with shock; Athaulf lay sprawled upon the floor. He clutched his bloody chest, gasping for air with lungs that could no longer draw breath. He stared at Placidia with horror-filled eyes, pink foam bubbling from his chest wounds and mouth.

There was an immediate change in Placidia, and, with a focused purpose, she knelt and took her husband’s hands. “I love you, my Athaulf. I have loved you from the moment our eyes first met. Do you remember? God destined that we should find one another, and we did. Do not doubt, my love, I shall go on loving you, until the day we meet again in Heaven. Whatever my destiny, none will replace you in my heart. None. I love you, Athaulf, I love you, I love you.”

Tears streamed from Gigi’s eyes as she sat beside the queen and king. Behind them, pandemonium had resumed; shouting, cursing, men calling out for vengeance, but no one bothered them. It was too late Copyright 2016 - 2024