Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,3

costume from the film’s wardrobe mistress. She also had a Bowie knife and her flute in leather casings, slung over her shoulder and hidden beneath her wool palla wrap. On the floor near the door was a pair of leather knapsacks filled with travel necessities: food, water skeins, medicine, Roman coins — and a stun gun.

At first, Magnus had balked at taking anything modern, because that could change history. However, she’d managed to convince him that a stun gun, being nonlethal, would have no lasting impact. Later, she had decided to hell with history. If it meant saving the children, Magnus or herself, she’d do whatever was necessary. At Jack’s insistence, she’d enrolled in an intensive course of shooting lessons and now had a loaded XD.45 semi-auto handgun, with four boxes of ammo, all tucked in at the bottom of her sack. Magnus didn’t know about the gun, but his bag held two long-range walkie-talkies, their iPod, and two solar powered chargers, definitely not the stuff of antiquity, but things he was willing to take to accomplish their goal.

They were as ready as they could be.

Jack cleared his throat. “Here’s the press release that will accompany your YouTube farewell: Geneviève Perrin would like to thank her wonderful fans for their support and love. At this time, she and her husband have decided to start a family, so she is taking a leave of absence from stage and screen. She thanks her fans and the media for respecting her privacy.”

“Great,” Gigi said, “and be sure to take care of the music scholarships for the kids.”

“Already covered,” Jack said. “You’re good to go, kiddo.”

Her mother groaned and Gigi hugged her. “We have to, Mom, we just have to do this.”

“Promise me you’ll try to come back, darling. I can’t stand the thought of losing you again.”

Gigi nodded. “We’ll be back, with all of Athaulf’s children safe and sound.”

Her father looked up. “Mon Dieu, do you suppose we can do something at the baptistery, something that will always keep the door open for you?”

“Oh, yes! The ‘Minute Waltz’,” Gigi exclaimed. “That’s a great idea. How could we do that? ”

“An endowment,” her mother suggested. “With a stipulation they always have that song playing in the background?”

“Perfect,” her dad said. “Jack, you can handle that, can’t you? And we’ll put up the money.”

“I know just who to call,” he replied, and reached for his phone.

• • •

Ravenna’s ancient baptistery was set up for a mock photo shoot, an excuse Jack had given the curator to explain why Gigi and Magnus were in costume. Her parents had decided to pose as the photographers, while Jack was Jack, the efficient manager and ace controller of crowds. He’d just left with the staff, ushering everyone out with the promise of autographed pictures and CDs of the Nero soundtrack.

It was just the four of them now. Gigi looked around at the shadowy frescos, knowing as soon as they went through time, if they were able, the walls would be bare, the baptistery still fairly new and undecorated.

Her dad clicked on one of the umbrella lights. “We need to see everything clearly, chère Gigi. We want to spend every last second with you that we are able.”

Her mother started to sob and Gigi enveloped her in her arms. Rocking her, she whispered, “It’s okay, we’ll be okay.”

Jack came in and locked the door. “The coast is clear for now. Are you ready?”

Magnus put his arm around his mother-in-law’s shoulder. “I will protect your daughter with my life and sword, I swear.”

“Keep this safe for me, Mom.” Gigi removed her ruby and diamond wedding ring and placed it in her mother’s hand, then turned to Magnus. “And here’s yours.” She took out the ancient garnet ring and slid it back on its original home, Magnus’s right forefinger.

“No, my sweet. This will not do,” he said. “As my wife, you must wear a ring. It is Roman custom.”

Gigi’s mother twisted her gold wedding band off her finger. “Take mine,” she said, her voice low and halting. “That way … a part of me will always be there with you.”

Choking up, Gigi took the ring. “Would you wear mine?”

“Oh — ” Her mother’s voice caught, then she tenderly whispered, “Yes, I’ll wear it until the day you come back.”

Gigi hugged her mom. Her father joined in, wrapping both of his women in his arms.

Despite their tears, Gigi heard Magnus say, “We must go.” She wiped her eyes and nodded. It was time.

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