Return to Me - By Morgan O'Neill Page 0,20

then he would do anything if the price were right.”

“Are you sure he can be trusted not to talk?”

The brothel owner smiled. “He is my son, and for me, at least, he is entirely trustworthy.”

“We are most grateful.”

“I do this for Decimus … and that other life,” she replied. “Wait here.”

As the afternoon faded into night, Gigi and Magnus anxiously waited in the garden for Vespera to return. Servants came in, bringing an oil lamp, food and wine, all the while saying nothing.

Despite their nerves, Magnus and Gigi took advantage of Vespera’s hospitality. Dinner proved delicious: filets of grilled tuna served with fava beans, the wine a sweet white that reminded Gigi of Riesling.

She finished her wine, then poured some more. “Are you completely sure we can trust Vespera?” she asked Magnus in English.

He nodded. “In Rome, family always comes first. She is my cousin, fathered by my uncle, Decimus, on his mistress. I met Vespera when we were children, at my uncle’s villa on Capreae.”

“And your aunt allowed her to visit?”

He sipped his wine, and then smiled. “Aunt Publilia is a kind woman, and she regularly welcomed Vespera to her home. As a child, I swam and played with her, along with Decimus and Publilia’s daughters. After I entered my teens, I went to Constantinople, and I did not see anyone from that branch of the family for a long time. Before Vespera turned fifteen, she ran away with a lowlife. My uncle lost track of her after that, until word came that she was alone and supporting herself as a prostitute, later, as a madam. He offered to bring her home, but she refused, saying she had done too much to dishonor him. Despite this, I believe she has overcome the circumstances of her birth and her youthful indiscretions, and I am glad she has prospered.”

“You knew she was here in Vada Sabatia?” Gigi asked.

“She’s been living here for many years. After you escaped from Honorius, Rufus was to contact her once he’d gotten you here.”

Gigi fell silent, thinking of Rufus, now long dead. He had been Magnus’s good friend, and he’d served as her guide after she’d escaped enslavement. He had given his life to protect her and she would always honor his memory because of that.

She locked eyes with Magnus, and then touched her glass to his. “Here’s to Rufus,” she quietly said.

“The best of men,” Magnus replied as he downed his wine. He rubbed the silver ring he wore as his wedding band. “This was his and became mine upon his death, because you gifted it to me to honor his memory. I’ve always believed Rufus approved of that, and I know he watches over us, even now.”

“I think he does, too,” Gigi said, just as Vespera came back.

“It is time,” she whispered, after taking a seat beside them. “The streets are crowded with the usual revelers, so you will pass unnoticed. My son has already brought the ship alongside the northernmost dock. You must be quick. The winds are light, so he will expect you to help with the rowing, at least until you are past the imperial ship at the mouth of the port. May the gods blind those onboard, until you are safe and gone.”

Magnus stood and moved to open his coin pouch, but Vespera stopped him. “Pay my son. I do this freely for Decimus’s sake, may the gods bless his old bones. Go!”

Back on the busy street, Gigi and Magnus led their mounts away from the brothel. She felt tired and nervous after the long day. She knew she wouldn’t be able to relax until they were on the boat and safely away.

“What about the horses?” she asked Magnus in English. “I can’t imagine whatever we’re sailing on will be big enough for all of us.”

“We must keep them with us until we get to the dock,” Magnus replied. “Once we know we can leave, we’ll take our gear and set the horses free. They bear the tattoos of the Roman legion, so I am certain they will be returned to the nearest garrison.”

Despite his assurances, Gigi was worried. She looked around, feeling the weight of stares, and noticed the crowd had thinned. They walked on, nearing the intersection where the street met with the main road to the docks.

She turned to pat her mare, their imminent parting tugging at her heart.


Magnus’s harsh whisper sent a chill down her spine. She spun back around. The intersection was blocked by soldiers Copyright 2016 - 2024